The Backlinks endpoint provides you with a list of unique backlinks from the referring pages for the specified domain, subdomain, or webpage.
To get the most relevant data you can group the result by adding the "mode"
field. There are three possible grouping types:
– returns all backlinksone_per_domain
– returns one backlink per domainone_per_anchor
– returns one backlink per anchor
Example: "mode": "as_is"
In the API response, you will get all backlinks for the specified domain.
However, one_per_domain
or one_per_anchor
parameters return only one backlink per domain or per anchor accordingly. If you want to get more, you will need to make numerous requests, which can be a pricy solution. For this purpose, we added a custom_mode
that allows specifying the number of returned backlinks with a particular parameter.
The custom_mode
object contains two parameters:
– target field of referring pages. Possible values for the field:
– returns backlinks per anchor;domain_from
– returns backlinks per domain;domain_from_country
– returns backlinks per country;tld_from
– returns backlinks per TLD;page_from_encoding
– returns backlinks per character encoding of the referring page;page_from_language
– returns backlinks per language of the referring page;item_type
– returns backlinks per link type (anchor, image, link, meta, canonical, alternate, redirect);page_from_status_code
– returns backlinks per HTTP status code returned by the referring page;semantic_location
– returns backlinks per semantic element in HTML where the backlink is found (article, section, summary);
– the number of backlinks you want to get for the specified field. Can be set from 1
to 1000
Example: "custom_mode": { "field": "domain_from", "value": 100 }
In addition, you can get X backlinks per domain with a particular item_type
or anchor by adding filters to your request. Consider the following example:
[ { "target": "", "custom_mode": { "field": "domain_from", "value": 100 }, "filters": [ "anchor", "like", "%forbes%" ], "order_by": [ "domain_from,desc" ], "limit": 5 } ]
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