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Keyword Databases: Google (+Google Historical) and Bing

What is the volume of your Keyword Databases by country?

DataForSEO has a comprehensive Keyword Databases with billions of keywords in store.

Google Keyword and Google Historical Keyword databases encompass over 5 billion keywords enriched with valuable keyword data. Along with each search query comes its search volume, competition level, cost-per-click value, and other relevant data.

We can supply you with over 925 million keywords for the United States, over 349 million keywords for the United Kingdom, and over 241 million keywords for Canada.

Overall, our database contains keyword data for 106 combinations of countries and languages. You can find the full list of available countries and languages as well as download data samples on the Google Database page.

Scroll down the page until you see a table with available databases by country. You can search for a specific country and sort the table by different parameters, such as database volume or price.

The last row shows the overall database volume, and you can also purchase the full database for all listed countries and locations.

Bing Keyword database offers nearly 4 billion search terms with related keyword data. More specifically, we can provide over 927 million keywords for the United States, over 351 million keywords for the United Kingdom, and over 371 million keywords for Canada.

What algorithms do you use to collect keywords for the Keyword database?

We collect data from multiple data sources, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and search engine results pages. Besides that, we are employing several powerful algorithms that help our system to cherry-pick only the most valuable keywords for our Keyword Databases. Primarily, our algorithms are designed for careful keyword selection and evaluation.

Do you have historical keyword metrics/historical search volume data in the Keyword Database?

Yes, we do. Our Historical Google Keywords Database contains historical Search Volume data back to the beginning of 2019, depending on the keyword, country, and language combination. Besides historical data, you will also get product and service categories data for each keyword, as well as current cost-per-click and competition values from paid search.

If your project requires historical rankings and traffic data, we can supply you with it through API. You can find a few use cases for our data on this page. In case you need an on-premises solution, contact us to ask for a custom database.

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