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Can I get mobile rankings with SERP API?

Yes, you can. In the DataForSEO SERP API, multiple search engines can supply you with rankings for mobile devices, namely: Google Organic (Search), Google Maps, Bing Organic (Search), Baidu Organic (Search), Naver Organic (Search).

When setting a task, you can indicate the following device types and OS you would like to receive SERP results for:

Mobile. Available OS types: iOS, Android
Desktop. Available OS types: Windows, macOS.‌

Note: Yahoo, Bing Local Pack, Google News/Images/Search by Image are currently available for desktop only. However, when setting a task, you can indicate the OS that you would like to receive SERP results for: Windows or macOS.

How to get mobile rankings with SERP API?

For example, when you are making a request to Google SERP API, you should add a device parameter to the body of your request. Specifying the OS is not mandatory. If you leave this field out, we will return results for Android by default. If you’d like to get results for iOS, you should add the “os” parameter to the body of your request and indicate “ios” in it.

Here’s an example of how your POST request body should be structured:

Request Sample:


        "keyword": "albert einstein",
        "language_name": "English",
        "location_code": 2840,
        "device": "mobile",
        "os": "ios"


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