With DataForSEO APIs, you can get very specific in your research, competitor analysis, and market study. By using the filters available for our APIs, you will always get the most relevant data in the response, which will enable you to reduce the number of requests and save your budget accordingly.
You can use filters when making a request to the following APIs:
DataForSEO Labs API
OnPage API
Backlinks API
Content Analysis API
You can set a maximum of eight filters in a single API request.
Filters are associated with certain parameters from the API response. Each endpoint provides different data, and thus the filter structure and values differ depending on the endpoint.
Generally the structure of the filter includes three parts that are separated with a ,
- filtered parameter – target parameter of the endpoint you want to filter;
- filter operator – operator of the filter;
- filter value – filtering value.
You can find the exact filter structure in the description of each DataForSEO API below.
In addition, filters support different data types. If you look at the list of supported filters, you will find the supported data type after the colon in each filter.
For example, "keyword_info.search_volume": "num"
where num
is the supported data type.
Each data type, in turn, supports different filter operators.
For example, for the ["domain_rank": "num"]
we can use these operators <
, <=
, >
, >=
, =
, <>
, in
, not_in
How to use operators?
1When you use the in
or not_in
operator, the filter value should be specified as an array.
2The like
and not_like
operators require adding the %
symbol to get accurate results.
The ["keyword_data.keyword", "like", "%seo%"]
filter returns keyword_data
items that contain “seo” anywhere in the keyword string and the ["keyword_data.keyword", "not_like", "%seo%"]
filter returns keyword_data
items that don’t contain “seo” anywhere in the keyword string.
3The match
and not_match
are full-text search operators that only work with string
The ["keyword", "match", "phone"]
will return data for keywords that contain the “phone” word anywhere in the string.
4As for the has
and has_not
operators, they can be used only for array.str
and array.num
For example, the serp_item_types
parameter in the Keyword Suggestions endpoint is the array of strings that displays SERP features available for the specified keyword (featured_snippet
, answer_box
, knowledge_graph
, and others).
By applying a filter with the has
or has_not
operator to this parameter, you can receive the keywords for which a certain element is present or not present in SERP.
["serp_info.serp_item_types", "has", "featured_snippet"]
In this case, the API response will return only the keywords that have featured snippets in SERP.
And after the filter operator comes the filtering value, which may take the form of a string, array string, number, or boolean.
To not get confused with filter structure, we recommend calling the Available Filters endpoint and checking the examples.
Using Regex Operator
The regex
operator is supported in DataForSEO Labs API, OnPage API, Backlinks API, Content Analysis API and works only with string
Note: the maximum number of symbols you can specify in regex
and not_regex
is 1000;
– Matches any character. For example:
# matches ‘aba’, ‘abb’, ‘abz’, etc.
– Repeat the preceding character zero or one times. Often used to make the preceding character optional. For example:
# matches ‘ab’ and ‘abc’
– Repeat the preceding character one or more times. For example:
# matches ‘ab’, ‘abb’, ‘abbb’, etc.
– Repeat the preceding character zero or more times. For example:
# matches ‘a’, ‘ab’, ‘abb’, ‘abbb’, etc.
– Minimum and maximum number of times the preceding character can repeat. For example:
# matches ‘aa’
# matches ‘aa’, ‘aaa’, and ‘aaaa’
# matches ‘a` repeated two or more times
– OR operator. The match will succeed if the longest pattern on either the left side OR the right side matches. For example:
# matches ‘abc’ and ‘xyz’
( … )
– Forms a group. You can use a group to treat part of the expression as a single character. For example:
abc(def)? # matches ‘abc’ and ‘abcdef’ but not ‘abcd’
[ … ]
– Match one of the characters in the brackets. For example:
# matches ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’
Inside the brackets, -
indicates a range unless – is the first character or escaped. For example:
# matches ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’
# ‘-‘ is first character. Matches ‘-‘, ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’
# Escapes ‘-‘. Matches ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, or ‘-‘
A ^
before a character in the brackets negates the character or range. For example:
# matches any character except ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’
# matches any character except ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’
# matches any character except ‘-‘, ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’
# matches any character except ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, or ‘-‘
Note: backslash symbols ("\"
) in DataForSEO Regex can have different interpretations:
is interpreted as a backspace symbol (not the same as in standard regex);\\b
asserts that the current position in the string is a word boundary (same as"\b"
in standard regex);\\\\b
means 2 separate signs:"\"
(for example, if you need to find"a\b"
– you’d have to pass it as"\\\\b"
If you specify "\\"
without the expected symbol after it (for example \\c
instead of \\\\
or \\c
), API will return a 4xx error.
APIs with filtration parameters also support the negative regex operator called not_regex
, which allows for the exclusion of a certain string from API results.
Return string that contains “how”, “what”, or “when” keywords: ["keyword_data.keyword", "regex", "(how|what|when)"]
Return string that does not contain “how”, “what”, or “when” keywords: ["keyword_data.keyword", "not_regex", "(how|what|when)"]
You can test parameters with regex operator via this link.
DataForSEO Labs API
You can get the full list of filters available for all DataForSEO Labs endpoints by calling the following endpoint:
GET https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/dataforseo_labs/available_filters
DataForSEO Labs API filters have the following structure:
[$item_array.$results_array.$parameter_field, $filter_operator, $filter_value]
and ,
symbols are used as separators.
["keyword_data.impressions_info.daily_impressions_max", "=", 56]
where keyword_data
is the $item_array
, impressions_info
is the $results_array
, daily_impressions_max
is the $parameter_field
, =
is the $filter_operator
, and 56
is the $filter_value
DataForSEO Labs API $item_array
and $results_array
can be omitted depending on the endpoint.
The [”depth”, “>”, 500]
filter in the Related Keywords endpoint.
In this case, depth
is both $item_array
and $parameter_field
Page Intersection, Ranked Keywords, Subdomains, Relevant Pages, Competitors Domain, Categories For Domain, Domain Intersection endpoints also support an alternative structure:
[$item_array.$results_array.$parameter_field, $filter_operator, $item->$item_array.$results_array.$parameter_field]
If you use this structure, you need to attach $item->
to the right part of the condition.
Note: the $parameter_field
variables in the right part and in the left part of the condition should have identical type: bool
, num
, str
, time
["metrics.organic.pos_1", ">", "$item->metrics.organic.pos_2_3"]
DataForSEO Labs API supports the following types and operators:
, and<>
, andnot_in
, and<>
, andhas_not
, andhas_not
(time should be specified in the “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” format. Example:2021-01-29 15:02:37 +00:00)
For example, for the ["keyword_info.search_volume": "num"]
filter, we can use one of the following operators: <
, <=
, >
, >=
, =
, <>
, in
, not_in
Example request:
Suppose you’re performing keyword research and want to find keyword suggestions for the buy lava lamp keyword. Your site is new, so you know that high search volume keywords aren’t for you — you want to focus on less popular terms instead. To find them, all you have to do is send a request to the Keyword Suggestions endpoint with the following filter: "keyword_info.search_volume": "num"
Let’s find search terms with a search volume of less than 500.
The filter will be structured as in the following example:
["keyword_info.search_volume", "<", 500]
Your POST request should be structured as in the example below:
[ { "keyword": "buy lava lamp", "language_name": "English", "location_code": 2840, "filters": [ ["keyword_info.search_volume", "<", 500] ], "limit": 10 } ]
In the API response, you will receive keyword suggestions with current search volumes of less than 500.
{ "version": "0.1.20220216", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "1.2705 sec.", "cost": 0.011, "tasks_count": 1, "tasks_error": 0, "tasks": [ { "id": "03211218-2806-0399-0000-23f54f988271", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "1.2158 sec.", "cost": 0.011, "result_count": 1, "path": [ "v3", "dataforseo_labs", "google", "keyword_suggestions", "live" ], "data": { "api": "dataforseo_labs", "function": "keyword_suggestions", "se_type": "google", "keyword": "buy lava lamp", "language_name": "English", "location_code": 2840, "filters": [ [ "keyword_info.search_volume", "<", 500 ] ], "limit": 10 }, "result": [ { "se_type": "google", "seed_keyword": "buy lava lamp", "seed_keyword_data": null, "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "total_count": 33, "items_count": 10, "offset": 0, "offset_token": "eyJDdXJyZW50T2Zmc2V0IjoxMCwiUmVxdWVzdERhdGEiOnsia2V5d29yZCI6ImJ1eSBsYXZhIGxhbXAiLCJpbmNsdWRlX3NlZWRfa2V5d29yZCI6ZmFsc2UsImZ1bGxfbWF0Y2giOmZhbHNlLCJsb2FkX3NlcnBfaW5mbyI6ZmFsc2UsInNlYXJjaF9hZnRlcl90b2tlbiI6bnVsbCwibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiJlbiIsInNlYXJjaF9lbmdpbmUiOiJnb29nbGUiLCJsb2NhdGlvbiI6Mjg0MCwib3JkZXJfYnkiOnsib3JkZXJfZmllbGQiOiJrZXl3b3JkX2luZm8uc2VhcmNoX3ZvbHVtZSIsIm9yZGVyX3R5cGUiOiJEZXNjIiwibmV4dCI6bnVsbH0sImxpbWl0IjoxMCwib2Zmc2V0IjowLCJUb2tlbiI6eyJJc0NhbmNlbGxhdGlvblJlcXVlc3RlZCI6ZmFsc2UsIkNhbkJlQ2FuY2VsZWQiOnRydWUsIldhaXRIYW5kbGUiOnsiSGFuZGxlIjp7InZhbHVlIjoyODY4fSwiU2FmZVdhaXRIYW5kbGUiOnsiSXNJbnZhbGlkIjpmYWxzZSwiSXNDbG9zZWQiOmZhbHNlfX19fSwiUmF3UXVlcnkiOnsiZmllbGQiOiJrZXl3b3JkX2luZm8uc2VhcmNoX3ZvbHVtZSIsInR5cGUiOiJsdCIsInZhbHVlIjo1MDB9LCJTZWFyY2hBZnRlckRhdGEiOls0MCwiNjNmOWY4ZTQtYmYxMi0wNTBmLTA5NDUtZjA2ZTdjN2RmMTgyIl19", "items": [ { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "lava lamp buy", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-04 01:54:48 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.404441, "search_volume": 320, "categories": [ 10009, 10010, 10081, 10419, 11587, 11588, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 880 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 480 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 2, "search_volume": 260 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": "buy lava lamp", "keyword_difficulty": 49 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-13 08:19:19 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 17.21, "cpc_max": 21.03, "cpc_average": 19.12, "daily_impressions_min": 0.36, "daily_impressions_max": 0.44, "daily_impressions_average": 0.4, "daily_clicks_min": 0.04, "daily_clicks_max": 0.05, "daily_clicks_average": 0.04, "daily_cost_min": 0.73, "daily_cost_max": 0.89, "daily_cost_average": 0.81 }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "buy lava lamp", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-11 04:39:55 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.404441, "search_volume": 320, "categories": [ 10009, 10010, 10081, 10419, 11587, 11588, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 880 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 480 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 2, "search_volume": 260 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": null, "keyword_difficulty": 52 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-16 07:33:25 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 48, "cpc_max": 58.67, "cpc_average": 53.34, "daily_impressions_min": 1.34, "daily_impressions_max": 1.63, "daily_impressions_average": 1.48, "daily_clicks_min": 0.16, "daily_clicks_max": 0.19, "daily_clicks_average": 0.17, "daily_cost_min": 8.36, "daily_cost_max": 10.22, "daily_cost_average": 9.29 }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "lava lamp where to buy", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-13 08:44:03 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.404441, "search_volume": 320, "categories": [ 10009, 10010, 10081, 10419, 11587, 11588, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 880 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 480 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 2, "search_volume": 260 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": "buy lava lamp", "keyword_difficulty": 52 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-17 08:19:54 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 47.05, "cpc_max": 57.5, "cpc_average": 52.27, "daily_impressions_min": null, "daily_impressions_max": null, "daily_impressions_average": null, "daily_clicks_min": null, "daily_clicks_max": null, "daily_clicks_average": null, "daily_cost_min": null, "daily_cost_max": null, "daily_cost_average": null }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "where to buy a lava lamp", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-19 12:43:13 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.358656, "search_volume": 320, "categories": [ 10009, 10010, 10081, 10419, 11587, 11588, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 2, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 390 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 1300 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 590 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 170 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": "where to buy lava lamp", "keyword_difficulty": 52 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-09 09:38:04 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 15.75, "cpc_max": 19.25, "cpc_average": 17.5, "daily_impressions_min": 0.38, "daily_impressions_max": 0.46, "daily_impressions_average": 0.42, "daily_clicks_min": 0.02, "daily_clicks_max": 0.02, "daily_clicks_average": 0.02, "daily_cost_min": 0.34, "daily_cost_max": 0.42, "daily_cost_average": 0.38 }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "where to buy lava lamp", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-14 09:40:38 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.329418, "search_volume": 320, "categories": [ 10009, 10010, 10081, 10419, 11587, 11588, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 390 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 1300 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 590 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 2, "search_volume": 210 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": "where to buy a lava lamp", "keyword_difficulty": 52 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-18 00:25:19 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 19.76, "cpc_max": 24.15, "cpc_average": 21.95, "daily_impressions_min": null, "daily_impressions_max": null, "daily_impressions_average": null, "daily_clicks_min": null, "daily_clicks_max": null, "daily_clicks_average": null, "daily_cost_min": null, "daily_cost_max": null, "daily_cost_average": null }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "where can i buy a lava lamp", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-17 07:23:19 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.390699, "search_volume": 260, "categories": [ 10009, 10405, 10419, 11587, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 2, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 880 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 110 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 170 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": null, "keyword_difficulty": 52 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-20 08:13:18 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 31.64, "cpc_max": 38.67, "cpc_average": 35.16, "daily_impressions_min": 4.45, "daily_impressions_max": 5.44, "daily_impressions_average": 4.94, "daily_clicks_min": 0.59, "daily_clicks_max": 0.72, "daily_clicks_average": 0.66, "daily_cost_min": 20.73, "daily_cost_max": 25.34, "daily_cost_average": 23.03 }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "where can i buy lava lamp", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-10 20:22:33 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.444673, "search_volume": 260, "categories": [ 10005, 10011, 10089, 11772 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 260 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 880 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 110 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 140 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 170 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 2, "search_volume": 170 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": null, "keyword_difficulty": 50 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-16 02:33:46 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": null, "ad_position_max": null, "ad_position_average": null, "cpc_min": null, "cpc_max": null, "cpc_average": null, "daily_impressions_min": null, "daily_impressions_max": null, "daily_impressions_average": null, "daily_clicks_min": null, "daily_clicks_max": null, "daily_clicks_average": null, "daily_cost_min": null, "daily_cost_max": null, "daily_cost_average": null }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "best buy lava lamp", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-18 01:21:28 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.268335, "search_volume": 70, "categories": [ 10009, 10010, 10081, 10419, 11587, 11588, 12820 ], "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 2, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 90 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 320 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 70 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 50 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 50 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 20 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": null, "keyword_difficulty": 47 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-20 19:41:48 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": 1.11, "ad_position_max": 1, "ad_position_average": 1.06, "cpc_min": 8.23, "cpc_max": 10.06, "cpc_average": 9.14, "daily_impressions_min": null, "daily_impressions_max": null, "daily_impressions_average": null, "daily_clicks_min": null, "daily_clicks_max": null, "daily_clicks_average": null, "daily_cost_min": null, "daily_cost_max": null, "daily_cost_average": null }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "where to buy lava lamp near me", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-02 10:28:46 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.255234, "search_volume": 50, "categories": null, "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 50 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 210 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 70 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 20 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 20 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 2, "search_volume": 30 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": null, "keyword_difficulty": 53 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-09 22:34:34 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": null, "ad_position_max": null, "ad_position_average": null, "cpc_min": null, "cpc_max": null, "cpc_average": null, "daily_impressions_min": null, "daily_impressions_max": null, "daily_impressions_average": null, "daily_clicks_min": null, "daily_clicks_max": null, "daily_clicks_average": null, "daily_cost_min": null, "daily_cost_max": null, "daily_cost_average": null }, "serp_info": null }, { "se_type": "google", "keyword": "what is the biggest lava lamp you can buy", "location_code": 2840, "language_code": "en", "keyword_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-03-21 04:44:35 +00:00", "competition": 1, "cpc": 0.524548, "search_volume": 40, "categories": null, "monthly_searches": [ { "year": 2022, "month": 2, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2022, "month": 1, "search_volume": 50 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 12, "search_volume": 70 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 11, "search_volume": 50 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 10, "search_volume": 20 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 9, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 8, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 7, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 6, "search_volume": 30 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 5, "search_volume": 40 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 4, "search_volume": 50 }, { "year": 2021, "month": 3, "search_volume": 50 } ] }, "keyword_properties": { "se_type": "google", "core_keyword": null, "keyword_difficulty": 44 }, "impressions_info": { "se_type": "google", "last_updated_time": "2022-02-09 04:20:07 +00:00", "bid": 999, "match_type": "exact", "ad_position_min": null, "ad_position_max": null, "ad_position_average": null, "cpc_min": null, "cpc_max": null, "cpc_average": null, "daily_impressions_min": null, "daily_impressions_max": null, "daily_impressions_average": null, "daily_clicks_min": null, "daily_clicks_max": null, "daily_clicks_average": null, "daily_cost_min": null, "daily_cost_max": null, "daily_cost_average": null }, "serp_info": null } ] } ] } ] }
OnPage API
You can get the full list of filters available for OnPage endpoints by calling the following endpoint:
GET https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/on_page/available_filters
DataForSEO OnPage API filters have the following structure:
[$item_array.$parameter_field, $filter_operator, $filter_value]
and ,
symbols are used as separators.
where fetch_timing
is the $item_array
, duration_time
is the $parameter_field
, >
is the $filter_operator
, and 1
is the $filter_value
DataForSEO OnPage API supports the following types and operators:
supports<, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in,
supportsregex, match, not_match, like, not_like, in, not_in, =,
, andhas_not
For example, for the ["resource_type": "str"]
filter, we can use one of the following operators: regex
, like
, not_like
, in
, not_in
, =
, <>
Example request:
If you have a website you might want to establish clear paths for your site visitors and create a smooth user experience. This can be done by minimizing the click depth across a website.
Firstly set a task to On-Page API and specify the necessary target site. Then configure your request to the Pages endpoint with the following filter:
[ { "id": "07281559-0695-0216-0000-c269be8b7592", "filters": [ ["resource_type", "=", "html"], "and", ["click_depth", ">", 4] ] } ]
The response from the API server will contain a list of pages located further than within 4 clicks from the homepage. You will also get detailed performance metrics, including meta tags checks, page timing, and over 60 other check-ups for each listed page.
Backlinks API
You can get the full list of filters available for Backlinks endpoints by calling the following endpoint:
GET https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/backlinks/available_filters
DataForSEO Backlinks API filters have the following structure:
[filered_field, filter_operator, filter_value]
and ,
symbols are used as separators.
["domain_from","=", "forbes.com"]
where domain_from
is the filered_field
, =
is the filter_operator
, and forbes.com
is the filter_value
DataForSEO Backlinks API supports the following data types and operators:
num: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
str: match, not_match, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, =, <>
array.str: has, has_not
array.num: has, has_not
time: <, >
(Example:2021-01-29 15:02:37 +00:00
For example, for the ["main_domain": "str"]
filter, we can use one of the following operators: <
, <=
, >
, >=
, =
, <>
, in
, not_in
Note: in Domain Intersection and Page Intersection endpoints the $key
parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
For example, if you specify the pages in the POST request as follows:
The specified pages will be assigned with sequence numbers and the filter by the “https://fifa.com/updates”
page will be assigned with a “2”
and the filter will look as follows:
"filters": ["2.domain_from","=","news24.com"]
Note #2: in Backlinks Anchors, Domain Pages, and Domain Intersection endpoints you may come across empty-titled fields in the referring_links_semantic_locations
array, which, however, are also available in filters. These empty fields are denoted as $empty
and have the num
Note #3: the ilike
and not_ilike
operators represent the case-insesntive alternative to the like
and not_like
operators accordingly.
"filters": ["page_from_title", "ilike", "%health%"]
Note #4: in the following endpoints, you can filter the results by any top-level domain (TLD) from the referring_links_tld
object of the response, but the structure of the filtered field is different:
• in Backlinks Anchors, Referring Domains, Referring Networks, and Domain Pages Summary endpoints, use referring_links_tld.$tld
• in the Domain Pages endpoint, use page_summary.referring_links_tld.$tld
• in the Domain Intersection endpoint, use $key.referring_links_tld.$tld
In all cases, replace the $tld
variable with the necessary TLD returned in the referring_links_tld
object of the endpoint’s response. Example filter:
"filters": ["1.referring_links_tld.com",">",0]
Note #5: in the Backlinks and Page Intersection endpoints, you can filter results by links that have specific attributes such as dofollow
, nofollow
, noopener
, noreferrer
, external
, ugc
and sponsored
Example filters:
"filters": ["attributes","has","ugc"]
"filters": ["attributes","has","noopener"]
"filters": ["dofollow", "=", true]
"filters": ["dofollow", "=", false]
Example request:
Let’s imagine you want to improve your page’s organic search engine rankings. One of the ways to do that is to increase the number of backlinks. To check how many websites are referring to your page make a request to Backlinks endpoint using ["dofollow", "=", true]
filter. If you want to filter out domains with high ratings add the following structure:
POST https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/backlinks/backlinks/live
[ { "target": "forbes.com", "mode": "as_is", "filters": [ [ "page_from_rank", ">", "55" ], "and", [ "dofollow", "=", true ], "and", [ "page_from_title", "ilike", "%seo%" ] ], "limit": 5 } ]
Example response:
{ "version": "0.1.20231117", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "1.6060 sec.", "cost": 0.02015, "tasks_count": 1, "tasks_error": 0, "tasks": [ { "id": "01111709-1535-0269-0000-b21c90c1eba4", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "1.5542 sec.", "cost": 0.02015, "result_count": 1, "path": [ "v3", "backlinks", "backlinks", "live" ], "data": { "api": "backlinks", "function": "backlinks", "target": "forbes.com", "mode": "as_is", "filters": [ [ "page_from_rank", ">", "55" ], "and", [ "dofollow", "=", true ], "and", [ "page_from_title", "ilike", "%seo%" ] ], "limit": 5 }, "result": [ { "target": "forbes.com", "mode": "as_is", "custom_mode": null, "total_count": 5974, "items_count": 5, "items": [ { "type": "backlink", "domain_from": "www.overthetopseo.com", "url_from": "https://www.overthetopseo.com/", "url_from_https": true, "domain_to": "www.forbes.com", "url_to": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/jiawertz/2020/02/17/how-seo-strategy-needs-adapt-developments-2020/", "url_to_https": true, "tld_from": "com", "is_new": false, "is_lost": false, "backlink_spam_score": 0, "rank": 658, "page_from_rank": 791, "domain_from_rank": 595, "domain_from_platform_type": [ "cms", "blogs", "organization" ], "domain_from_is_ip": false, "domain_from_ip": "", "domain_from_country": "US", "page_from_external_links": 12, "page_from_internal_links": 136, "page_from_size": 414969, "page_from_encoding": "utf-8", "page_from_language": "en", "page_from_title": "Dominate SERPs with OTT SEO Services - Trusted SEO Company", "page_from_status_code": 200, "first_seen": "2023-10-24 18:09:35 +00:00", "prev_seen": "2023-10-24 18:09:35 +00:00", "last_seen": "2023-11-11 19:33:03 +00:00", "item_type": "anchor", "attributes": null, "dofollow": true, "original": false, "alt": null, "image_url": null, "anchor": "Forbes", "text_pre": null, "text_post": "How Your SEO Strategy Needs To Adapt For Developments In 2022", "semantic_location": "section", "links_count": 2, "group_count": 0, "is_broken": false, "url_to_status_code": 200, "url_to_spam_score": 0, "url_to_redirect_target": null, "ranked_keywords_info": { "page_from_keywords_count_top_3": 1, "page_from_keywords_count_top_10": 3, "page_from_keywords_count_top_100": 203 }, "is_indirect_link": false, "indirect_link_path": null }, { "type": "backlink", "domain_from": "breezemaxweb.com", "url_from": "https://breezemaxweb.com/", "url_from_https": true, "domain_to": "profiles.forbes.com", "url_to": "https://profiles.forbes.com/members/bizdev/profile/Andrew-Faridani-President-CEO-BreezeMaxWeb/e9888695-8c26-4e4d-8ddf-fc60fa969186", "url_to_https": true, "tld_from": "com", "is_new": false, "is_lost": false, "backlink_spam_score": 0, "rank": 470, "page_from_rank": 595, "domain_from_rank": 444, "domain_from_platform_type": [ "unknown" ], "domain_from_is_ip": false, "domain_from_ip": "", "domain_from_country": null, "page_from_external_links": 6, "page_from_internal_links": 89, "page_from_size": 138842, "page_from_encoding": "utf-8", "page_from_language": "en", "page_from_title": "BreezeMaxWeb | Creative Digital Agency | SEO Agency Canada", "page_from_status_code": 200, "first_seen": "2022-12-23 08:49:09 +00:00", "prev_seen": "2023-10-28 09:37:21 +00:00", "last_seen": "2023-12-13 11:52:01 +00:00", "item_type": "image", "attributes": null, "dofollow": true, "original": false, "alt": "Forbes Logo", "image_url": "https://breezemaxweb.com/images/2019/11/forbes-logo.png", "anchor": null, "text_pre": "Marketing Pharmacy Marketing Plumber Advertising Psychotherapists/Psychologists Marketing Real Estate Marketing Restaurant Marketing Staffing Solutions Marketing Vape Marketing Veterinarian Marketing", "text_post": null, "semantic_location": null, "links_count": 1, "group_count": 0, "is_broken": false, "url_to_status_code": 301, "url_to_spam_score": 0, "url_to_redirect_target": "https://councils.forbes.com/profile/Andrew-Faridani-President-CEO-BreezeMaxWeb/e9888695-8c26-4e4d-8ddf-fc60fa969186", "ranked_keywords_info": { "page_from_keywords_count_top_3": 4, "page_from_keywords_count_top_10": 4, "page_from_keywords_count_top_100": 30 }, "is_indirect_link": false, "indirect_link_path": null }, { "type": "backlink", "domain_from": "indexsy.com", "url_from": "https://indexsy.com/seo-reseller/", "url_from_https": true, "domain_to": "www.forbes.com", "url_to": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianrashid/2017/04/11/how-this-25-year-old-hustled-his-way-to-success/", "url_to_https": true, "tld_from": "com", "is_new": false, "is_lost": false, "backlink_spam_score": 0, "rank": 448, "page_from_rank": 599, "domain_from_rank": 474, "domain_from_platform_type": [ "cms", "blogs" ], "domain_from_is_ip": false, "domain_from_ip": "", "domain_from_country": "WW", "page_from_external_links": 13, "page_from_internal_links": 40, "page_from_size": 181646, "page_from_encoding": "utf-8", "page_from_language": "en", "page_from_title": "Looking for an SEO Reseller or White Label (Outsourcing) SEO Provider?", "page_from_status_code": 200, "first_seen": "2022-04-14 21:33:50 +00:00", "prev_seen": "2022-12-05 13:03:14 +00:00", "last_seen": "2022-12-15 13:10:43 +00:00", "item_type": "anchor", "attributes": [ "noreferrer", "noopener" ], "dofollow": true, "original": false, "alt": null, "image_url": null, "anchor": "Forbes", "text_pre": "marketer. 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He is a proud native of Vancouver, BC, who has been featured on Entrepreneur.com,", "text_post": ", Oberlo and GoDaddy.", "semantic_location": "section", "links_count": 1, "group_count": 0, "is_broken": false, "url_to_status_code": 200, "url_to_spam_score": 0, "url_to_redirect_target": null, "ranked_keywords_info": { "page_from_keywords_count_top_3": 0, "page_from_keywords_count_top_10": 0, "page_from_keywords_count_top_100": 0 }, "is_indirect_link": false, "indirect_link_path": null }, { "type": "backlink", "domain_from": "utahseopros.com", "url_from": "https://utahseopros.com/", "url_from_https": true, "domain_to": "www.forbes.com", "url_to": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2016/11/09/10-unique-perspectives-on-what-makes-a-great-leader/", "url_to_https": true, "tld_from": "com", "is_new": false, "is_lost": false, "backlink_spam_score": 0, "rank": 445, "page_from_rank": 585, "domain_from_rank": 430, "domain_from_platform_type": [ "unknown" ], "domain_from_is_ip": false, "domain_from_ip": "", "domain_from_country": null, "page_from_external_links": 9, "page_from_internal_links": 34, "page_from_size": 289554, "page_from_encoding": "utf-8", "page_from_language": "en", "page_from_title": "Utah SEO Services - Utah SEO Company - Salt Lake City Utah SEO Pros", "page_from_status_code": 200, "first_seen": "2019-01-22 20:42:44 +00:00", "prev_seen": "2023-11-11 20:16:36 +00:00", "last_seen": "2024-01-11 00:01:48 +00:00", "item_type": "image", "attributes": null, "dofollow": true, "original": false, "alt": "Forbes_logo.740x200", "image_url": "https://newseoprossite.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/freshizer/202aea6ae98fd31417651fd54dcae2ed_Forbes_logo.740x200-0-100-c-90.jpg", "anchor": null, "text_pre": null, "text_post": null, "semantic_location": "section", "links_count": 1, "group_count": 0, "is_broken": false, "url_to_status_code": 200, "url_to_spam_score": 0, "url_to_redirect_target": null, "ranked_keywords_info": { "page_from_keywords_count_top_3": 22, "page_from_keywords_count_top_10": 26, "page_from_keywords_count_top_100": 60 }, "is_indirect_link": false, "indirect_link_path": null }, { "type": "backlink", "domain_from": "kcwebdesigner.com", "url_from": "https://kcwebdesigner.com/", "url_from_https": true, "domain_to": "www.forbes.com", "url_to": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2017/05/16/7-essential-seo-books-for-every-startup-to-read-in-2017/", "url_to_https": true, "tld_from": "com", "is_new": false, "is_lost": false, "backlink_spam_score": 0, "rank": 377, "page_from_rank": 560, "domain_from_rank": 409, "domain_from_platform_type": [ "cms", "blogs" ], "domain_from_is_ip": false, "domain_from_ip": "", "domain_from_country": "US", "page_from_external_links": 19, "page_from_internal_links": 37, "page_from_size": 104685, "page_from_encoding": "utf-8", "page_from_language": "en", "page_from_title": "Kansas City Web Design & SEO | Local Website Designers & Developers", "page_from_status_code": 200, "first_seen": "2022-05-31 15:52:34 +00:00", "prev_seen": "2023-01-10 06:19:14 +00:00", "last_seen": "2023-03-11 12:43:03 +00:00", "item_type": "image", "attributes": null, "dofollow": true, "original": false, "alt": null, "image_url": "https://kcwebdesigner.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/forbes-logo-1.png", "anchor": null, "text_pre": null, "text_post": null, "semantic_location": "section", "links_count": 1, "group_count": 0, "is_broken": false, "url_to_status_code": 200, "url_to_spam_score": 0, "url_to_redirect_target": null, "ranked_keywords_info": { "page_from_keywords_count_top_3": 0, "page_from_keywords_count_top_10": 0, "page_from_keywords_count_top_100": 0 }, "is_indirect_link": false, "indirect_link_path": null } ], "search_after_token": "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" } ] } ] }
Content Analysis API
You can get the full list of filters available for Content Analysis endpoints by calling the following endpoint:
GET https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/content_analysis/available_filters
DataForSEO Content Analysis API filters have the following structure:
[filered_field, filter_operator, filter_value]
and ,
symbols are used as separators.
["domain_rank",">", "800"]
where domain_rank
is the filered_field
, >
is the filter_operator
, and 800
is the filter_value
DataForSEO Content Analysis API supports the following data types and operators:
num: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
str: match, not_match, like, not_like, =, <>
array.str: has, has_not
array.num: has, has_not
time: <, >
(Example:2021-01-29 15:02:37 +00:00
For example, for the ["page_types": "array.str"]
filter, we can use one of the following operators: has
, has_not
Note: some filtered_fields
have the following structure: "content_info.$parameter_field" or "content_info.$results_array.$parameter_field"
Example request:
Suppose you’re doing a keyword research. By calling a Search endpoint you can get a detailed citation data, which displays where the specified keyword is used and its sentiment polarity. For example, to see which pages in the US mentions the keyword use the following filter:
["country", "=", "US"]
[ { "keyword": "logitech", "filters": [ "country", "=", "US" ], "order_by": [ "content_info.sentiment_connotations.anger,desc" ], "limit": 5 } ]
The results will contain the snippet of the mention’s text, text category, the URL where the mention was found, domain and URL rank, country, content quality score, sentiment polarity scores, and scored sentiment connotations (anger, happiness, love, sadness, share, fun).
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