const login = 'DFS_API_LOGIN'; const password = 'DFS_API_PASSWORD'; const inputConfig = input.config(); const table = base.getTable('Keyword Ideas'); const inputTable = base.getTable('Search Requests'); const inputRaw = await inputTable.selectRecordAsync(; if ( inputRaw && inputRaw.getCellValue('Location') && inputRaw.getCellValue('Language') && inputRaw.getCellValue('Keyword') ) { let sortBy = []; if (inputRaw.getCellValue('Sort By')) { for (let sortByItem of inputRaw.getCellValue('Sort By')) { switch ( { case 'Relevance': sortBy.push('relevance,desc'); break; case 'Search Volume-Desc': sortBy.push('keyword_info.search_volume,desc'); break; case 'Search Volume-Asc': sortBy.push('keyword_info.search_volume,asc'); break; case 'KD-Desc': sortBy.push('keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty,desc'); break; case 'KD-Asc': sortBy.push('keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty,asc'); break; case 'CPC (USD)-Desc': sortBy.push('keyword_info.cpc,desc'); break; case 'CPC (USD)-Asc': sortBy.push('keyword_info.cpc,asc'); break; default: break; } } } let filters = []; if (inputRaw.getCellValue('Search Volume')) { let svFilter = []; for (let svItem of inputRaw.getCellValue('Search Volume')) { switch ( { case '100,001+': svFilter.push(['keyword_info.search_volume', '>', 100000]); break; case '10,001-100,000': svFilter.push([['keyword_info.search_volume', '>', 10000], 'and', ['keyword_info.search_volume', '<=', 100000]]); break; case '1,001-10,000': svFilter.push([['keyword_info.search_volume', '>', 1000], 'and', ['keyword_info.search_volume', '<=', 10000]]); break; case '101-1,000': svFilter.push([['keyword_info.search_volume', '>', 100], 'and', ['keyword_info.search_volume', '<=', 1000]]); break; case '11-100': svFilter.push([['keyword_info.search_volume', '>', 10], 'and', ['keyword_info.search_volume', '<=', 100]]); break; case '1-10': svFilter.push(['keyword_info.search_volume', '<=', 10]); break; default: break; } svFilter.push('or'); } if (svFilter.length) { svFilter.splice(svFilter.length-1 , 1); if (svFilter.length === 1) { svFilter = svFilter[0]; } filters.push(svFilter); } } if (inputRaw.getCellValue('KD')) { let kdFilter = []; for (let kdItem of inputRaw.getCellValue('KD')) { switch ( { case 'Very hard 85-100%': kdFilter.push(['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '>', 84]); break; case 'Hard 70-84%': kdFilter.push([['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '>', 69], 'and', ['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '<=', 84]]); break; case 'Difficult 50-69%': kdFilter.push([['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '>', 49], 'and', ['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '<=', 69]]); break; case 'Possible 30-49%': kdFilter.push([['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '>', 29], 'and', ['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '<=', 49]]); break; case 'Easy 15-29%': kdFilter.push([['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '>', 14], 'and', ['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '<=', 29]]); break; case 'Very easy 0-14%': kdFilter.push(['keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty', '<=', 14]); break; default: break; } kdFilter.push('or'); } if (kdFilter.length) { kdFilter.splice(kdFilter.length-1 , 1); if (kdFilter.length === 1) { kdFilter = kdFilter[0]; } if (filters.length) { filters.push('and'); } filters.push(kdFilter); } } if (inputRaw.getCellValue('Search Intent')) { let intents = inputRaw.getCellValue('Search Intent').map((item) =>; let intentFilters = []; intentFilters.push(['search_intent_info.main_intent','in', intents]); intentFilters.push('or'); for (let key in intents) { intentFilters.push(['search_intent_info.foreign_intent','=', intents[key]]) intentFilters.push('or'); } intentFilters.splice(intentFilters.length-1 , 1); if (filters.length) { filters.push('and'); } filters.push(intentFilters); } if (inputRaw.getCellValue('Custom Filters')) { let filterItems = inputRaw.getCellValue('Custom Filters').split("\n"); let fieldName; let operator; let value; for (let filterItem of filterItems) { [fieldName, operator, value] = filterItem.split(','); if (filters.length) { filters.push('and'); } filters.push([fieldName, operator, value]); } } const requestData = [ { language_name: inputRaw.getCellValue('Language'), location_name: inputRaw.getCellValue('Location'), keywords: [inputRaw.getCellValue('Keyword')], limit: inputRaw.getCellValue('Limit'), include_serp_info: true, order_by: sortBy.length ? sortBy : null, filters: filters.length ? filters : null } ]; const token = base64_encode(login + ':' + password); const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(requestData), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + token, 'User-Agent': 'airtable-app-dfs' }, }); const data = await response.json(); console.log(data); const items = ['tasks', '0', 'result', '0', 'items'].reduce((obj, key) => obj?.[key], data); if (items) { let svr; let kdr; let sf; let sf_item; let si; let si_item; let sf_item_name; const sf_field = table.getField('SERP Features'); const choices = => let records = []; const iterationsCount = Math.ceil(items.length/50); let dataPart; let fields; for (let i=0; i 100000) { svr = '100,001+' } else if (item.keyword_info.search_volume > 10000) { svr = '10,001-100,000'; } else if (item.keyword_info.search_volume > 1000) { svr = '1,001-10,000'; } else if (item.keyword_info.search_volume > 100) { svr = '101-1,000'; } else if (item.keyword_info.search_volume > 10) { svr = '11-100'; } else { svr = '1-10'; } if (item.keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty > 84) { kdr = 'Very hard 85-100%' } else if (item.keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty > 69) { kdr = 'Hard 70-84%'; } else if (item.keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty > 49) { kdr = 'Difficult 50-69%'; } else if (item.keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty > 29) { kdr = 'Possible 30-49%'; } else if (item.keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty > 14) { kdr = 'Easy 15-29%'; } else { kdr = 'Very easy 0-14%'; } sf = []; if (item.serp_info && Array.isArray(item.serp_info.serp_item_types)) { for (sf_item of item.serp_info.serp_item_types) { sf_item_name = sf_item.replaceAll('_', ' '); if (choices.includes(sf_item_name)) { sf.push({name: sf_item_name}); } } } si = []; if (item.search_intent_info) { si = [{name: item.search_intent_info.main_intent}]; if (Array.isArray(item.search_intent_info.foreign_intent)) { for (si_item of item.search_intent_info.foreign_intent) { si.push({name: si_item}); } } } fields = { "Keyword": item.keyword, "Search Intent": si, "Search Volume": item.keyword_info.search_volume, "KD": item.keyword_properties.keyword_difficulty, "CPC": item.keyword_info.cpc, "SERP Features": sf, "Search Requests": [{id:}], "Search Volume (Range)": {name: svr}, "KD % (Range)": {name: kdr} }; records.push({'fields': fields}); } await table.createRecordsAsync(records); } } } function base64_encode(s) { // the result/encoded string, the padding string, and the pad count var base64chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var r = ""; var p = ""; var c = s.length % 3; // add a right zero pad to make this string a multiple of 3 characters if (c > 0) { for (; c < 3; c++) { p += '='; s += "\0"; } } // increment over the length of the string, three characters at a time for (c = 0; c < s.length; c += 3) { // we add newlines after every 76 output characters, according to the MIME specs if (c > 0 && (c / 3 * 4) % 76 == 0) { r += "\r\n"; } // these three 8-bit (ASCII) characters become one 24-bit number var n = (s.charCodeAt(c) << 16) + (s.charCodeAt(c+1) << 8) + s.charCodeAt(c+2); // this 24-bit number gets separated into four 6-bit numbers n = [(n >>> 18) & 63, (n >>> 12) & 63, (n >>> 6) & 63, n & 63]; // those four 6-bit numbers are used as indices into the base64 character list r += base64chars[n[0]] + base64chars[n[1]] + base64chars[n[2]] + base64chars[n[3]]; } // add the actual padding string, after removing the zero pad return r.substring(0, r.length - p.length) + p; }