DataForSEO SERP Volatility Index
Changes across Google and Bing search results by keyword categories and SERP features

SERP volatility for the last 30 days


SERP Features Occurrence

SERP volatility

How we calculate SERP Volatility Index

SERP volatility index refers to the changes in Google and Bing SERP rankings and ranges from 1 to 10. On this scale, one is characterized by minimal changes in search engine rankings and ten corresponds to dramatic changes in Google search algorithms and major updates to search engine algorithms.

DataForSEO checks Google and Bing SERPs for a fixed list of keywords and measures the volatility of results’ changes daily. Each keyword in a set is assigned with a category, which allows us to estimate and display volatility across various product, service, and industry categories.

To calculate the SERP Volatility Index, we are continuously analysing search engine results pages and applying DataForSEO’s proprietary formula to provide the result.

Normal Volatility
Minimal changes, rankings for a global or a particular market remain relatively stable over time.
High Volatility
Moderate changes, rankings for global or specific markets fluctuate to some extent, but not dramatically.
Very High Volatility
Significant changes in SERP rankings, might be caused by a major update to the Google or Bing search algorithm.

Google updates for the last 30 days

Mar 13
March 2025 core update
Mar 13

Released the March 2025 core update . The rollout may take up to 2 weeks to complete.

See all Google updates

SERP Feature Occurrence

Beyond standard organic and paid search engine results, SERPs often include other elements, such as knowledge graphs, pictures, videos, products, etc.
At DataForSEO, we call these advanced search results SERP features – and have made them available to you through the Advanced endpoints of our SERP API.
For its part, the DataForSEO SERP Volatility Index will help you track the occurrence of various SERP features over time and across various locations.
serp sensor img

Get More Data on Millions of Google SERPs

If your project requires a large volume of data, you can purchase our full Google SERPs database. With over half a billion SERPs and related data, it is the most extensive source of structured data on search engine results pages available in the market. You can also get timely updates for 50% of the standard database price!


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