Google Play Store Reviews API

Get valuable insights into app performance
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Unlock the Power of Google Play Reviews

Google Play Reviews API is an essential tool for everyone who wants to gather feedback data on applications. It is designed to provide an easy and efficient way to collect and analyze user reviews and ratings on Google Play. With this API, developers can access and retrieve detailed information about their apps’ performance, including the app ratings, number of reviews, review content, and more.

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Play Store API

Review data you can get from Google Play

Obtain well-structured review data feeds and manage performance optimization with the following insights for every business:

  • App rating
  • Rating of the reviews
  • Content of the reviews
  • The reviewer’s profile info
  • Publication dates of the review

Revolutionize User Experience With Impactful Use Cases

Gain a competitive edge with insights driven by data

Knowing your competition is key to staying ahead of the game. With Google Play Reviews API, you can gather valuable data on your competitor’s reviews and gain insights into how well your business is doing compared to theirs. Make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition with data-driven insights.

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play store competitive edge
play store feedback

Unlock the power of customer insights with Google Play Reviews API

Don’t make assumptions about what your customers want. Get real-time customer feedback and app insights with Google Play Reviews API. Understand what people like and dislike about your app, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

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Stay ahead of the game with real-time alerts

Don’t let negative reviews damage your reputation. With Google Play Reviews API, you can quickly react to negative feedback by setting up real-time alerts. Stay on top of your app’s performance and keep your customers happy with proactive reputation management.

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play store alerts

Cost-efficient solution

for budget-concious businesses

Rapid results
Reviews API features a turnaround time of up to 1 minute
Add funds to your account and use them for obtaining data
Integration support
Our 24/7 customer support team is with you every step of the way
Google Play Store Reviews API Pricing
Standard Queue
Standard queue with POST and GET requests
Turnaround time
up to 45 minutes
Price per 150 reviews
Price per 1M reviews
Priority Queue
Priority queue with POST and GET requests
Turnaround time
up to 1 minute
Price per 150 reviews
Price per 1M reviews

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Solutions developers praise

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