Collect Data for AI Training Hassle-Free

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Custom data collection

Custom data collection that grows with your AI project needs

Our custom data collection services are designed to be the ultimate solution for all your AI initiatives. Whether you’re developing a new algorithm, refining an existing machine-learning model, or looking to expand your training dataset, we can deliver high-quality data at the scale your project requires to succeed.
Our affordable rates democratize access to data-driven insights for organizations of all sizes. By partnering with us, you gain access to a robust data collection infrastructure that will streamline your training and ongoing enhancement of AI & LLM models.
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Maximize AI training efficiency with diverse input data

Collect a diverse range of input data to develop versatile AI and ML models that excel in various real-world applications.
Text data Text data
Time series data Time series data
Geospatial data Geospatial data
Tabular data Tabular data
Sentiment data Sentiment data
URLs metadata URLs & metadata

Fast-track your AI training: gather data at scale without interruption

bullet-proof infrastructure

Bullet-proof infrastructure

DataForSEO’s proprietary system of reliable proxy pools guarantees consistent and uninterrupted data collection, even from the most challenging sources.
Scale and speed

Scale and speed

Our robust infrastructure and high-performance servers ensure you receive real-world data whenever you need it, and at any scale required for your AI project.
Affordable pricing

Affordable pricing

Enjoy cost-effective solutions without sacrificing data quality. Our transparent PAYGO pricing is tailored for projects of all sizes, with custom pricing options available.

Get data where you need it

You don’t have to download fresh data dumps in JSON or CSV – we can deliver data straight to your storage or database. We send terrabytes of data to dozens of customers every month using Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Blob, and Google Big Query. Let us know if you’d like to get your data to any other storage or database.

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storage or database

Elevate AI & ML training through ethical data excellence


Ethical data scraping

We adhere to ethical scraping guidelines, ensuring that your data is collected responsibly and sustainably.

Real-time data delivery

We provide data in real time and deliver timely updates to keep your AI models working with the most recent information.

Flexible data formats

We offer flexible data delivery in the format that best aligns with your workflows (CSV, JSON, XML, etc).
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Data industry leaders trust

Solutions developers praise

Let’s transform AI development together

Discover more data solutions for every AI need

Automate your data scraping with industry-leading APIs

DataForSEO APIs are crafted to provide real-time data seamlessly and reliably. Thanks to our robust infrastructure and continuous monitoring mechanisms, our APIs offer a stable and consistent experience with 99.95% uptime.

  • SERP API – structured search results data from the most popular search engines.
  • Keyword Data API – keywords with product and market categories and search metrics from Google and Bing, keyword popularity, and demographic insights.
  • DataForSEO Labs API – keywords with categories, search metrics, and related results from Google, Bing, Amazon, Google Play, and App Store.
  • Merchant API – product catalog and pricing data from Amazon and Google Shopping.
  • Business Data API – data on business profiles, point-of-interest (POI) records, and well-structured reviews from major review platforms.
  • On-Page API – powerful crawling engine with customizable robots.txt and JavaScript rules, raw HTML storing, screen capturing, and content parsing.

Access high-quality structured datasets for AI training

Serving comprehensive datasets, our databases offer regular updates and flexible dump and upload solutions to satisfy the most complex business requirements. We meticulously collect, curate, and update our databases to ensure reliability and precision in every data point.

  • Google SERPs & Keywords Databases – billions of keywords enriched with relevant Google Ads metrics, product and market categories and well-structured Google SERPs.
  • Bing SERPs & Keywords Databases – structured search results data, keywords with product and market categories and search metrics from Bing.
  • Amazon Product SERPs Database – product catalog and pricing data from Amazon listings, keyword search volumes, product ratings, search rank, and delivery information.
  • Business Listings Database – millions of point-of-interest (POI) records with public details of a business entity, including service description, address and location details, contact phone, domain, rating, work hours and popular hours.

Leverage ready-made APIs powered with NLP and ML

DataForSEO provides a range of APIs built with our custom Natural Language Processing and True Machine Learning technologies. Each API is designed to perform specific tasks and deliver data ready to be integrated into your applications.

  • Content Generation API uses NLP and ML algorithms to provide you with a cost-effective solution for automating multiple content-related tasks, from streamlining content creation to accelerating content optimization.
  • Content Analysis API is designed to boost brand monitoring solutions with robust sentiment analysis capabilities. Working atop our advanced NLP model, it offers an effortless way to spot citations of target keywords from across the web, and instantly categorize the sentiments enveloping each mention.
  • AI Summary in SERP API utilizes advanced NLP algorithms to summarize data from search engine results pages (SERPs) and deliver key insights. It can also produce responses based on your custom prompts.

Automate your data scraping tasks with industry-leading APIs

DataForSEO APIs are crafted to provide real-time data seamlessly and reliably. Thanks to our robust infrastructure and continuous monitoring mechanisms, our APIs offer a stable and consistent experience with 99.95% uptime.

  • SERP API – structured search results data from the most popular search engines.
  • Keyword Data API – keywords with product and market categories and search metrics from Google and Bing, keyword popularity, and demographic insights.
  • DataForSEO Labs API – keywords with categories, search metrics, and related results from Google, Bing, Amazon, Google Play, and App Store.
  • Merchant API – product catalog and pricing data from Amazon and Google Shopping listings.
  • Business Data API – data on business profiles, point-of-interest (POI) records, and well-structured reviews from major review platforms.
  • On-Page API – powerful crawling engine with customizable robots.txt and JavaScript rules, raw HTML storing, screen capturing, and content parsing.

Access high-quality, structured datasets ideal for your AI training

Serving comprehensive datasets, our databases offer regular updates and flexible dump and upload solutions to satisfy the most complex business requirements. We meticulously collect, curate, and update our databases to ensure reliability and precision in every data point.

  • Google SERPs & Keywords Databases – billions of keywords enriched with relevant Google Ads metrics, product and market categories and well-structured SERPs from Google Search.
  • Bing SERPs & Keywords Databases – structured search results data, keywords with product and market categories and search metrics from Bing.
  • Amazon Product SERPs Database – product catalog and pricing data from Amazon listings, keyword search volumes, product ratings, search rank, and delivery information.
  • Business Listings Database – millions of point-of-interest (POI) records with public details of a business entity, including service description, address and location details, contact phone, domain, rating, work hours and popular hours.

Leverage ready-made APIs powered with NLP and ML

DataForSEO provides a range of APIs built with our custom Natural Language Processing and True Machine Learning technologies. Each API is designed to perform specific tasks and deliver data ready to be integrated into your applications.

  • Content Generation API uses NLP and ML algorithms to provide you with a cost-effective solution for automating multiple content-related tasks, from streamlining content creation to accelerating content optimization.
  • Content Analysis API is designed to boost brand monitoring solutions with robust sentiment analysis capabilities. Working atop our advanced NLP model, it offers an effortless way to spot citations of target keywords from across the web, and instantly categorize the sentiments enveloping each mention.
  • AI Summary in SERP API utilizes advanced NLP algorithms to summarize data from search engine results pages (SERPs) and deliver key insights. It can also produce responses based on your custom prompts.

Why choose DataForSEO

Explore the benefits of using our comprehensive data solutions for your AI training needs

DataForSEO offers a detailed documentation for every parameter, field and function you can come across while using our APIs and databases.


Every DataForSEO user has access to a comprehensive graphic user interface (GUI) and can monitor and control every aspect of data usage.


Our support team is available 24/7 to ensure you get the required assistance and all your requests are addressed promptly and proficiently.

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DataForSEO Receives ISO 27001 Certification

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