Top 1000 Websites
By Domain Rank
Find out what websites are rated the highest globally based on their Domain Rank
Top thousand websites

Check Domain Authority of The Top 1000 Websites Worldwide

The table below surfaces the 1000 most authoritative websites from across the globe. It is created based on our extensive Backlink Index which contains over 196 million domains enriched with a set of accurate and up-to-date backlink metrics including DataForSEO’s proprietary Domain Rank and Spam Score.

Data in this table is automatically updated in the second part of each month.

Discover Top 1000 Pages by Backlink Rank

By default, this table lists the top 1000 most trusted websites worldwide, however, it can also provide you with page-specific stats for free. Simply select Pages from the drop-down list and hit Search to see the top 1000 web pages and their backlink rank.

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About the data in this table:

  • Target displays a domain name or a page URL depending on your selected settings.
  • Rank indicates the Domain Rank or Page Rank corresponding to your settings based on Google’s original PageRank formula incorporated in the DataForSEO Link Index.

Uncover the Backlink Profile of Any Websites For Free

Obtain accurate backlink metrics for any website of your choice using DataForSEO Backlinks API. You can receive a complete backlink profile of any domain, subdomain, or webpage along with their Rank and Span Score using the Backlinks Summary endpoint and get a detailed list of the target’s backlinks with the Backlinks endpoint. What’s more, you can use the Bulk Backlinks API endpoints to retrieve backlink stats for up to 1000 domains, subdomains, or pages, including the number of their backlinks, referring domains, Spam Score and Rank metrics, new & lost backlinks, and referring domains.

api explorer backlink summary

To get all of this data for free, register with DataForSEO and head to the Backlinks API section of our API Explorer. Then, make a request to the endpoint of your choice by selecting it under Functions.

In the request settings, indicate a target domain(s), and set up other preferred parameters.


Get More Backlink Data on Millions of Domains

If your project requires a large volume of data, you can purchase our Backlink Summary database subdivided into domain zones. It contains over 196 million domains, and each domain is supplied with a comprehensive backlink profile overview, including the number of inbound links, referring domains, and referring pages, new & lost backlinks and referring domains, DataForSEO’s proprietary Domain Rank and Spam Score and more. You can also get timely updates for 50% of the standard price.


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