Explore our data

DataForSEO was among the pioneers of the marketing data industry, creating infrastructure and providing data that allows you to build smarter and innovate faster.

We are continuously collecting, processing, and storing gigantic amounts of data. Then we implement controls and build sophisticated delivery systems to ensure we provide the most reliable and comprehensive solutions. As a result, the leading marketing technology companies put their trust in DataForSEO.

Data has always been at the very heart of what we do, and now we are proud to share it with you. Explore our data index and see for yourself why DataForSEO is the industry’s most trusted data provider.

DataForSEO Index

SERP Index

SERP Index is a database of Google and Bing search engine results pages that we collect and update across all supported locations. We use this data to provide SERP-related data in DataForSEO Labs API and DataForSEO SERPs Databases. On the contrary, we do not use SERP Index in SERP API because its data is collected and handed out in real-time.

Google Database Bing Database

Total Google SERPs collected

Total Bing SERPs collected

Google SERPs collected in the last 30 days

Bing SERPs collected in the last 30 days

Keyword Index

Keyword Index is a database of keywords and related data collected, regularly updated, and maintained by DataForSEO. This database serves as a kernel of the DataForSEO Labs API and Keywords Databases. At the same time, similarly to the Keywords Data API, Keyword Index is collected using Google Ads and Bing Ads services.

Google Databases Bing Databases

Total Google keywords collected

Total Bing keywords collected

Google keywords collected in the last 30 days

Bing keywords collected in the last 30 days

Backlink Index

Backlink Index is the latest entry to the list of DataForSEO’s most powerful datasources. It features unique backlinks along with referring and referenced domains and web pages. We update Backlink Index every second and serve collected results through our Backlinks API in real-time. Our Backlink Summary Database is updated every month and provides access to backlink profiles on millions of domains.

Backlinks API Domains Database

Total Backlinks collected

Total pages collected

Backlinks collected in the last 24 hours

Pages collected in the last 24 hours

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