Tap into a stream of business data feeds across the multitude of platforms.
Reviews API
Collect reviews data at scale
Business Data API is capable of scraping millions of testimonials in a multitude of languages across the major review platforms, including Google My Business, Trustpilot and Tripadvisor. Using this API you can obtain well-structured review data feeds at scale, without having to waste your development budget.
Business Information API
Amplify your business intelligence
Business Data API gives you access to thousands of business profiles listed on popular review platforms, letting your application turn this data into actionable business intel and amplifying its capabilities.
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Social Media API
Social media interactions at a glance
By leveraging website embeds developed and supported by major social media platforms, Business Data API is able to aggregate social interactions associated with a certain page. The social media endpoints of this API provide a way to measure the performance of web pages across Facebook, Reddit, and Pinterest.
Explore the real-life benefits of analyzing competitor business data.
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