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Worldwide Backlinks’ Secret Sauce: DataForSEO Backlinks API Fuels Global Link Building

About Worldwide Backlinks

In the overcrowded world of link-building agencies, Worldwide Backlinks (WWB) has managed to carve out a particular niche for itself. Unlike thousands of other, more traditional firms, WWB thrives on international, multi-language outreach, placing backlinks across various verticals for its diverse customer base.
But what’s their secret sauce? And where does quality data fit in the recipe for building a successful link-building enterprise? Callum Sherwood, the co-founder of Worldwide Backlinks, has something to say about that.

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George Svash

George is the Director of Content Marketing at DataForSEO, an API suite designed to help SEO software companies and agencies gather the SEO data they need for their projects. George is a tech and marketing geek with a deep passion for Big Data and SEO. Having a broad experience in content marketing and a degree in engineering, he is particularly good at explaining complex concepts.

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