Clickstream Data APIs

Turn clickstream data into actionable keyword insights
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Clickstream-powered keyword data

DataForSEO Search Volume

Get accurate search volume refined with Bing, Google, and Clickstream data

The DataForSEO Search Volume endpoint delivers precise search volume values for all keyword variations, using either Bing Ads or clickstream data. Unlike Google Ads, Bing Ads offers detailed search volumes, broken down by device, with exact figures. Clickstream data, which captures real user search terms, is sourced directly from our updated database and covers all locations supported by DataForSEO APIs, offering a comprehensive view without the need for separate API requests.

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Global Search Volume

Global Search Volume

Measure search demand globally and optimize keyword impact across regions

Global search volume measures the total monthly searches for a keyword worldwide, offering insights into its popularity across regions and languages. This data is essential for SEO and digital marketing, enabling you to identify key markets and tailor strategies. We calculate global search volume by summing clickstream search volumes from all countries, providing a comprehensive view of search demand.

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Discover the search popularity of any keyword worldwide and explore search trends by country with a free DataForSEO Trends tool.

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DataForSEO Clickstream Data API Pricing

Real-time results
Clickstream API features a turnaround time of up to 6 seconds
Add funds to your account and use them for obtaining data
Integration support
Our 24/7 customer support team is with you every step of the way
Bulk Clickstream
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per request
Price per item
Price for 1M keywords
Global Search Volume
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per task
$150 for 1M keywords
DataForSEO Search Volume
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per task
$150 for 1M keywords

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Jump-start your journey with DataForSEO Clickstream Data API

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The Hidden Gem of Digital Marketing: Clickstream Data Insights

Explore the nature of clickstream data, how it is collected, and its applications in digital marketing.

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Keywords Data API Help Center

Have questions about DataForSEO Clickstream API and its endpoints? Visit our Help Center to get answers.

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How DataForSEO Ensures API Reliability and 99.95% Uptime

In this article, we’ll give you a broader perspective on the reliability of SEO APIs.

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