For example, if your payment amount is $3000, then you will get 1500 credits per each dollar. So, you’ll get 3000×1500=4,500,000 credits.
You can use purchased credits for those API that you’re interested in. Each API has its own price.
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No, you don’t need to sign any contracts. We provide “pay per use” pricing model. If you don’t use our API, you don’t need to pay for it.
In order to buy credits, you will need to log in to our system and hit Add funds button, which is next to the balance indication. Then you will be redirected to our payment platform, where you can choose the payment method. Currently we accept PayPal, Amazon Pay, Credit Card, WebMoney. And, of course, we provide an invoice for every transaction.
We offer “pay-per-use” pricing model. What happens is you purchase credits and then pay with them for any API that you need. If you don’t use our system, you pay nothing. Also, there is no expiration date for credits, so you won’t lose anything at the end of a month.
There is also an opportunity to set an auto-recharge option which allows to never run out of credits by specifying the minimal credits threshold.
The minimal amount of funds commit is only $50. You can choose an amount of payment by yourself. The more payment amount is, the more credits you will receive to your balance.
No, they don’t. You can use your credits when you need. They will be on your balance until you use them. No tricks.
Credits are the internal currency for our APIs. You buy credits then you use them for those API you need. Each API has its own pricing. For example, the Rank Tracker API costs 1 credit per 1 task, but the Keyword Data API costs 5 credits per 1 task.
We offer custom pricing if you plan to retrieve high volume of data using DataForSEO API.
To get the individual pricing please contact us: [email protected].