Seznam in SERP API: Add This Popular Search Engine to Your Rank Tracking Tool
Have you ever heard of Seznam?
Don’t confuse it with “sesame”, the word from the “open sesame” magic spell that opens a cave with hidden treasures in “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.”
In the real world, Seznam is the second largest search engine in the Czech Republic, with a local market share of 13.05% and millions of monthly users. In May 2022 alone, it had 293.7 million visits and is currently the most popular website in the country after Google.
Being a Czech company, Seznam takes aim at the local market and thus provides search results tailored to the preferences of Czechs. That is one of the reasons why many Czech users prefer this search engine over Google.
Considering such popularity, it is reasonable to conclude that there are plenty of SEO experts optimizing for Seznam.
With the new Seznam endpoints in DataForSEO SERP API, you can add this search engine to your rank monitoring software and target SEO professionals who require its SERP data. In the following paragraphs, we explain how the new endpoints work, give you three reasons to add Seznam to your tool, and calculate the cost of using Seznam SERP API.
How the Seznam endpoints work
Seznam SERP API provides from 10 up to 500 search results from the Seznam search engine, including extra SERP features. It currently supports only the standard method of data retrieval, meaning that you have to send separate POST and GET requests to set a task and retrieve results.
To send a POST request, it is enough to specify three required parameters:
• keyword
— the keyword for which you would like to receive SERP data.
• location_code
or location_name
— the location of the device to emulate a search session from.
• language_code
or language_name
— the language of the device to emulate a search session from.
Note that Seznam SERP API supports only the Czech language ("language_code": "cs"
, "language_name": "Czech"
). However, you can still specify the keyword
parameter in any language.
Your basic POST request will look like this:
[ { "language_name": "Czech", "location_code": 21502, "keyword": "pizza prague" } ]
When you send a request, the API emulates set parameters and initiates a search session on Seznam. The data is then scraped from the returned results page and structured into JSON.
You can retrieve the results by using the Seznam Task GET Regular or Task GET Advanced endpoint. The difference between the two is that the latter returns more data. The Regular endpoint provides organic results only, while its Advanced counterpart returns organic results with extra SERP features, including related searches, local packs, videos, images, shopping items, top stories, and featured snippets.
If you would like to receive SERP as raw HTML, use the Task GET HTML endpoint.
No matter what endpoint you choose for obtaining results, your account will be charged only for sending a POST request. Consequently, you can use any of the Task GET endpoints at no extra cost.
Here is an example of the API response (Task GET Advanced endpoint):
{ "version": "0.1.20220428", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "0.0961 sec.", "cost": 0, "tasks_count": 1, "tasks_error": 0, "tasks": [ { "id": "06171506-2806-0066-0000-534a6ca9aa1c", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "0.0320 sec.", "cost": 0, "result_count": 1, "path": [ "v3", "serp", "seznam", "organic", "task_get", "advanced", "06171506-2806-0066-0000-534a6ca9aa1c" ], "data": { "api": "serp", "function": "task_get", "se": "seznam", "se_type": "organic", "language_name": "Czech", "location_code": 21502, "keyword": "pizza prague", "device": "desktop", "os": "windows" }, "result": [ { "keyword": "pizza prague", "type": "organic", "se_domain": "search.seznam.cz", "location_code": 21502, "language_code": "cs", "check_url": "https://search.seznam.cz/?q=pizza%20prague&count=10", "datetime": "2022-06-17 12:06:14 +00:00", "spell": null, "item_types": [ "local_pack", "organic", "images", "related_searches" ], "se_results_count": 0, "items_count": 17, "items": [ { "type": "local_pack", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 1, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]", "title": "Dáme jídlo", "description": "1,6 (154) Rozvoz pizzy \nOtevřeno Praha, Libeň \n", "domain": "www.damejidlo.cz", "phone": null, "url": "http://www.damejidlo.cz/#utm_source=search.seznam.cz&utm_medium=ppd&utm_content=hledani&utm_term=pizza%20prague&utm_campaign=firmy.cz-13063190", "is_paid": false, "rating": { "rating_type": "CustomMax", "value": null, "votes_count": 154, "rating_max": null }, "cid": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "local_pack", "rank_group": 2, "rank_absolute": 2, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]", "title": "Pizza Čakovice", "description": "4,9 (4) Rozvoz pizzy \nOtevřeno Praha, Čakovice \n", "domain": "www.pizzacakovice.cz", "phone": null, "url": "https://www.pizzacakovice.cz/#utm_source=search.seznam.cz&utm_medium=ppd&utm_content=hledani&utm_term=pizza%20prague&utm_campaign=firmy.cz-13323076", "is_paid": false, "rating": { "rating_type": "CustomMax", "value": null, "votes_count": 4, "rating_max": null }, "cid": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "local_pack", "rank_group": 3, "rank_absolute": 3, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]", "title": "Pizza Modena", "description": "2,9 (26) Rozvoz pizzy \nOtevřeno Praha, Kobylisy \n", "domain": "www.pizzamodena.cz", "phone": null, "url": "https://www.pizzamodena.cz/#utm_source=search.seznam.cz&utm_medium=ppd&utm_content=hledani&utm_term=pizza%20prague&utm_campaign=firmy.cz-13087028", "is_paid": false, "rating": { "rating_type": "CustomMax", "value": null, "votes_count": 26, "rating_max": null }, "cid": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "local_pack", "rank_group": 4, "rank_absolute": 4, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[4]", "title": "Pizza Comeback", "description": "Rozvoz pizzy \nOtevřeno Praha, Malešice \n", "domain": "www.pizzacomeback.cz", "phone": null, "url": "https://www.pizzacomeback.cz/#utm_source=search.seznam.cz&utm_medium=ppd&utm_content=hledani&utm_term=pizza%20prague&utm_campaign=firmy.cz-13220744", "is_paid": false, "rating": null, "cid": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "local_pack", "rank_group": 5, "rank_absolute": 5, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[5]", "title": "Pizza Comeback", "description": "4,1 (8) Rozvoz pizzy \nOtevřeno Praha, Chodov \n", "domain": "www.pizzacomeback.cz", "phone": null, "url": "https://www.pizzacomeback.cz/#utm_source=search.seznam.cz&utm_medium=ppd&utm_content=hledani&utm_term=pizza%20prague&utm_campaign=firmy.cz-13113145", "is_paid": false, "rating": { "rating_type": "CustomMax", "value": null, "votes_count": 8, "rating_max": null }, "cid": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 6, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "domain": "www.pizzahned.com", "title": "Pizza Hned | Online objednávky | Rozvoz pizzy Praha 4 Nusle", "url": "https://www.pizzahned.com/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "pizzahned.com/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Kdykoli vás přepadne hlad, jsme tu s naší nabídkou pizz a dalších čerstvých jídel. Pizza Hned Praha. Rozvoz pizzy po Praze, online objednávka. Praha 4 - Nusle. https://www.pizzahned.com/", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "pizz", "Pizza", "Praha", "pizzy", "Praze" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 2, "rank_absolute": 7, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "domain": "www.pizza-einstein.cz", "title": "Nejlepší pizza v Praze | provozovny i rozvoz pizzy | Pizza…", "url": "https://www.pizza-einstein.cz/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "pizza-einstein.cz/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Chutná, křupavá a z čerstvých surovin. Taková je pizza, kterou si můžete dopřát s vašimi blízkými, v jedné z našich pizzerií v Praze.", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "pizza", "Praze" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "images", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 8, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]", "title": "Obrázky › Pizza prague", "url": null, "items": [ { "type": "images_element", "alt": "pizza prague-0", "url": null, "image_url": "https://img.obrazky.cz/?url=66895e97ef47fdb8&size=2" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": "pizza prague-1", "url": null, "image_url": "https://img.obrazky.cz/?url=94fce513280fe7e0&size=2" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": "pizza prague-2", "url": null, "image_url": "https://img.obrazky.cz/?url=517e657a17108f48&size=2" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": "pizza prague-0", "url": null, "image_url": "https://img.obrazky.cz/?url=9d6dc1419d624c36&size=2" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": "pizza prague-1", "url": null, "image_url": "https://img.obrazky.cz/?url=1821c17deb06b21a&size=2" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": "pizza prague-2", "url": null, "image_url": "https://img.obrazky.cz/?url=ec9a9df98640d0b4&size=2" } ], "related_image_searches": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 3, "rank_absolute": 9, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]", "domain": "www.pizzagohome.cz", "title": "Pizza GoHome - non-stop rozvoz pizzy po celé Praze", "url": "https://www.pizzagohome.cz/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "pizzagohome.cz/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Nabízíme pizzu, saláty, těstoviny, burgery, nápoje a deserty. Možnost také bezlepkových jídel a rozvozu.", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "pizzu" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 4, "rank_absolute": 10, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[6]", "domain": "www.pizzazeero.cz", "title": "Pizza rozvoz Praha 10 | Pizza Zeero", "url": "https://www.pizzazeero.cz/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "pizzazeero.cz/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Pizza Zeero rozváží pizzu zdarma po Praze 10 do lokalit Strašnice, Skalka, Malešice, Vršovice, Zahradní město, Hostivař, Štěrboholy, Záběhlice", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "Pizza", "pizzu", "Praze" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 5, "rank_absolute": 11, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]", "domain": "www.firmy.cz", "title": "Pizza Praha (Praha, Žižkov) • Firmy.cz", "url": "https://www.firmy.cz/detail/13154597-pizza-praha-praha-zizkov.html", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "firmy.cz/detail/13154597-pizza-praha-praha-zizkov.html", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Aktuální ověřené informace: adresa, telefon a otevírací hodiny Pizza Praha, Praha, Žižkov. Telefon: 605 839 …", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "Pizza", "Praha" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 6, "rank_absolute": 12, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[8]", "domain": "www.pizzacompany.cz", "title": "PizzaCompany - nejlepší pizza ve městě! Pizzerie po celé Praze", "url": "https://www.pizzacompany.cz/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "pizzacompany.cz/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Jako největší síť provozoven s pizzou v Praze vyrábíme a prodáváme pro každého (variací chutí, ceny a dostupností). Jsme na stanicích metra a nově můžete objednat s dodávkou domů.K přípravě produktů používáme Italské a české suroviny.", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "pizzou", "Praze" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 7, "rank_absolute": 13, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[9]", "domain": "pizzafresco.cz", "title": "Pizza Fresco", "url": "https://pizzafresco.cz/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "pizzafresco.cz/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Naše poslední a nejnovější pobočka je právě v Praze Letňanech. 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Rozvoz po Vršovicích zdarma. Všechny ceny včetně obalů.", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "Pizza", "pizz" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 9, "rank_absolute": 15, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[11]", "domain": "www.facebook.com", "title": "Pizza Express Praha - Hlavní stránka", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/pizzapraha", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "facebook.com/pizzapraha", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "Rozvoz Pizzy A VÍNA PO Praze Zdarma! Votická 2405/8, 13000 Praha", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "Pizzy", "Praze", "Praha" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 10, "rank_absolute": 16, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[12]", "domain": "aaapizza.cz", "title": "AAA Pizza Praha | Rozvoz pravé italské pizzy do 30 min u Vás!", "url": "https://aaapizza.cz/", "cache_url": null, "related_search_url": null, "breadcrumb": "aaapizza.cz/", "is_image": false, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "️ Pizza - Praha ️Rozvoz pizza Praha️Nejlepší pizzerie Praha️Pravá italská pizza️Rozvoz gnocchi️Zapečené brambory️Pizza Prémium️Nejrychlejší rozvoz", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "images": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "price": null, "highlighted": [ "Pizza", "Praha" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "about_this_result": null, "related_result": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "related_searches", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 17, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[13]", "items": [ "pizza nuova", "pizza praha", "pizza praha 3", "pizza praha 1", "pizza praha 8", "pizza praha 6", "pizza praha 5", "pizza praha 9" ], "rectangle": null } ] } ] } ] }
Now that you know how the Seznam endpoints work, let’s discuss why you should add it to your rank tracking software.
3 reasons to enrich your rank tracker with Seznam
At this point you may ask yourself: why bother supporting Seznam in my rank tracking tool?
Let us give you three reasons.
1 As indicated in the introduction, Seznam is highly popular in the Czech Republic. The majority of Czech SEO experts (or foreign SEOs who work with Czech websites) will likely be optimizing for this search engine. Obviously, they will need accurate rank trackers to rely on.
2 Despite the local popularity of Seznam, there are very few rank monitoring tools that support this search engine. Consequently, it will be easy to market your tool as a “Seznam rank tracker.“ You may even rank in the first ten results for this keyword and secure a regular flow of organic traffic.
3 Those very few tools that do support Seznam are not perfect: many lack advanced functionality and provide inaccurate results.
Let us elaborate more on the last point.
We will need an example for this — let’s google “seznam rank tracker” and pick whatever tool that ranks first. In our case, it is a rank monitoring solution from GeoRanker.
To make the tool work, we need to specify our target keywords and the URL of our site.
We want to compare this tool’s ranking data with that of our API, so we’re going to use the identical parameters from the POST request we set above: the “pizza prague” keyword for Prague location. The website www.pizzahned.com
will be used as our test site.
Let’s set the parameters and create our report.
GeoRanker calculated our ranking data pretty quickly. According to it, our site ranks second in Prague for the specified keyword.
Now let’s compare it to the API response from above. According to our API, www.pizzahned.com
ranks sixth for the same keyword.
{ "type": "organic", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 6, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "domain": "www.pizzahned.com" }
So who’s right?
Let’s access the check_url
from the API response in incognito mode to see what the SERP results for the “pizza prague” keyword look like.
As you can see, Seznam returned a local pack with five clickable links. Each of these links can potentially lure users away from our site. That’s why it is imperative to consider them when calculating ranking positions.
Consequently, our API displays the website’s ranking position correctly.
GeoRanker, however, while considering the presence of the local pack element, didn’t take the clickable links from it into account. That is the reason why the tool displayed the website’s position as the second.
We only took one tool, which ranks first (!) on Google, and could find issues in it right away. What else would we find if we analyzed other Seznam rank trackers?
That’s a rhetorical question.
Our point is that by using our API, you will be able to develop the most accurate Seznam rank monitoring tool on the market. And the best part — you won’t have to pay through the nose to afford it.
Cost of Seznam SERP API
Your account will be charged per each SERP page returned in the API response. In Seznam SERP API, one SERP page is 10 search results. The price will depend on the number of results you require. Besides that, it will depend on the task execution priority.
The API supports two task priorities — Standard and High. If your tool requires delivering near-instant results, it’s better to use high priority with a turnaround time of up to 1 minute. If results delivering speed is not your main concern, you can use standard priority. Its guaranteed turnaround time is up to 45 minutes (in most cases, results are delivered in less than one minute), while the cost is twice lower.
Price per a SERP page (10 results) with Standard priority — $0.0006.
Price per a SERP page (10 results) with High priority — $0.0012.
Priority | Price per 10 results | Price per 1000 results | Price per 1M results |
Standard | $0.0006 | $0.06 | $60 |
High | $0.0012 | $0.12 | $120 |
Despite the huge popularity of Seznam in the Czech Republic, there are very few rank tracking tools that support it. To make matters worse, those rare rank checkers that do work with this search engine often provide inaccurate ranking data.
So why not turn it to your advantage?
With Seznam SERP API, your tool will be able to analyze all extra SERP features of Seznam and take them into account when calculating website positions. That way, it will be the most accurate Seznam rank tracker on the market.
Don’t hesitate — implement our new endpoints and add one of the most popular search engines in the Czech Republic to your SEO software.
Create your account today, and we will add a free $1 credit to your account balance so that you can thoroughly test the API before implementation!
Learn more about developing rank tracking software in our free open guide.
visit the guide