Extracting Extra Features from SERPs [Examples]

Extra SERP

Back in early 2000, all Google results looked almost identical: the same blue underlined titles, descriptions with highlighted keywords, and green URLs in the bottom. Although these old results pages were doing the job just fine, frankly it wasn’t the best way to serve information to users, who have become increasingly selective about the quality of the content and, more importantly, the way this content is presented.

Long story short, Google realized that people searching for the “italian restaurant near me” apparently won’t be interested in the “Italian Cuisine History.” For us, it’s evident that a person that typed in that query is looking for a local restaurant with Italian cuisine, but it took Google years of development and mountains of data to figure out a way to determine user intent behind the query and serve results accordingly. Finally, sometime in 2013, the first extra feature saw the light: so-called Answer Boxes came to be the practical way of answering direct questions of users and therefore serving content relevant to user queries straight in SERPs.

Since then, the number of extra SERP features has continued to rise, with Featured Snippets and Knowledge Panels showing up at SERPs for well over 16 and 60 percent of queries, respectively.

Search engine results pages are constantly evolving and therefore providing businesses with more and more opportunities to enhance their online visibility. It’s only natural marketers, and business owners alike are in urgent need of tools for monitoring extra features in SERPs. In this article, we’ve put together guidelines for extracting essential SERP features with DataForSEO SERP Extra API.

Check our docs to learn how to use SERP Extra API.


1 Results Page Features

2 Organic Results Features

3 Paid Results Features

4 Local Results Features

5 Extra SERP Features

All SERP features listed below are supported by SERP Extra API. You can also extract features of mobile or desktop results pages by adding the “mobile” parameter to the “se_name” field of the API request. Click here to get the full list of available search engines.

Results Page Features

Results Page Features include specific results that are displayed in addition to organic results (e.g., videos, images) or help to extend the initial search session (e.g., the Related Searches feature).

Related Searches

Google displays Related Searches at the bottom of almost every results page. This feature consists of the list of questions connected to the content of the initial query. Note that you can extract Related Searches by using both SERP and SERP Extra APIs.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample
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Response Sample 
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 "extra": {
            "related": [
                    "big bounce theory definition",
                    "big bounce theory evidence",
                    "the big bounce theory simplified",
                    "who came up with the big bounce theory",
                    "the big bounce theory edmonton",
                    "big bounce theory explained",
                    "big bounce theory islandia",
                    "big bounce theory inflatables"


The Images results show up every time you run a query Google deems related to visual content. This feature appears in the form of a row and is often displayed inside the results page (although it can also be found on the top of SERP). Images can extend the duration of the search session by shifting the intent of users towards results imagery.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample
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Response Sample 
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                            "What is the theory of the Big Crunch?",
                            "What is the theory of the Big Rip?",
                            "What is the cyclic model of the universe?"
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                        "snippet": "10 Feb 2017 - The Big Bounce Theory is a hypothetical scientific model of the formation of the universe. As you may know there are many theories about the ...",
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                        "title": "Big Bounce Models Reignite Big Bang Debate | Quanta Magazine",
                        "snippet": "31 Jan 2018 - In recent decades, it hasn't seemed like much of a contest. The Big Bang theory, standard stuff of textbooks and television shows, enjoys strong ...",
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                        "title": "The Big Bounce Theory: Bouncy Castle Hire,Softplay Hire in Ruislip ...",
                        "snippet": "The Big Bounce Theory Bouncy Castle and Soft play hire in Ruislip, Uxbridge, Watford and surrounding areasThe Big Bounce Theory, based in Ruislip are a ...",
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                        "title": "Big Bang versus Big Bounce: Mathematical model suggests widely ...",
                        "snippet": "11 Jul 2016 - This so-called 'Big Bounce' theory has been around since 1922 but has been held back by the fact physicists have been unable to explain how the universe moves from a state of contraction to one of expansion, and vice versa, without leading to an infinite point – until now.",
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                        "title": "What is the Big Bounce Theory? - Google Sites",
                        "snippet": "2 Jul 2012 - The Big Bounce theory claims that the universe is cyclic, meaning that our current universe was formed after the collapse of a previous universe ...",
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                        "title": "The Big Bang – or the Big Bounce? | Financial Times",
                        "snippet": "17 Mar 2017 - The Big Bang model is simply the idea that the universe was, billions of years ago, in a state of extreme temperature, with matter that was packed both densely and smoothly throughout space. As the universe expanded and cooled, according to the model, gravity pulled matter together to form stars and galaxies.",
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                        "title": "Images for big bounce theory",
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                                "url": "https://factslegend.org/big-bounce-not-big-bang-created-universe/",
                                "alt": "Image result for big bounce theory"
                                "url": "http://www.armaghplanet.com/blog/the-big-bounce-theory-what-is-it.html",
                                "alt": "Image result for big bounce theory"
                                "url": "https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/5156/question-regarding-the-validity-of-the-big-bounce",
                                "alt": "Image result for big bounce theory"
                                "url": "https://www.quantamagazine.org/big-bounce-models-reignite-big-bang-debate-20180131/",
                                "alt": "Image result for big bounce theory"
                                "url": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/physics/big-bounce/",
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                        "url": "http://time.com/4778304/stephen-hawking-scientific-american-letter-big-bounce/",
                        "title": "Big Bang: Stephen Hawking Criticizes Big Bounce Theory | Time",
                        "snippet": "13 May 2017 - Stephen Hawking and Fellow Scientists Dismiss 'Big Bounce' ... published in Scientific American that details an alternative theory on how the ...",
                        "snippet_extra": ""


Similarly to the Images feature, videos are displayed within the SERPs in the form of a row.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample
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Response Sample 
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                        "snippet": "The Big Bounce is a hypothetical cosmological model for the origin of the known universe. It was originally suggested as a phase of the cyclic model or oscillatory universe interpretation of the Big Bang, where the first cosmological event was the result of the collapse of a previous universe.",
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                                "title": "THE BIG BOUNCE THEORY",
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                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-vBzrw-AzU",
                                "title": "The Big Bang might have been just a Big Bounce",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkgOTBcIlrg",
                                "title": "Was the Big Bang actually a 'Big Bounce'? New theory claims universe ...",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-amlL4cNUL8",
                                "title": "Was There a Universe Here Before Ours? The Big Bang vs the Big ...",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7pGkPEi-ck",
                                "title": "The Big Crunch and Big Bounce theories.",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvSSVUBpbMw",
                                "title": "The Big Bounce Theory",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUnp2opCzo",
                                "title": "11.JANEIRO JARELL -BIG BOUNCE THEORY",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gUbVkFJ8ts",
                                "title": "Splasher - Juggler Trophy Guide (Big Bounce Theory)",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPGJnBJJfMU",
                                "title": "What Is The Big Bounce?",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZmXClHJwkk",
                                "title": "Jneiro Jarel - Big Bounce Theory",
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                        "title": "Did the Universe Boot Up with a \"Big Bounce?\" - Scientific American",
                        "snippet": "3 Aug 2016 - Did the universe start with a bang or a bounce—or something else ... “Big bounce” theories also predict a flat and uniform cosmos, thanks to ...",
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Organic Results Features

Organic Results Features, also referred to as Rich Snippets, are intended at providing additional information between the page’s URL, and it’s description.

Star Ratings

Google assigns star ratings to websites with the validated “Aggregate Ranking” microdata. Results with higher star ratings tend to get more clicks, so it’s necessary to have them singled out.

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Response Sample 
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                            "2018 Volkswagen Passat",
                            "2018 Volkswagen Tiguan",
                            "2019 Volkswagen Jetta",
                            "2018 Volkswagen Golf R",
                            "2018 Volkswagen Golf GTI",
                            "2018 Volkswagen Golf Sport..."
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                            "2019 MINI Cooper",
                            "2019 Porsche 911",
                            "2019 Ford Mustang",
                            "2018 Honda Civic",
                            "2019 Chevrolet Camaro",
                            "2018 FIAT 500",
                            "2019 Toyota Corolla"
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                            "2018 volkswagen beetle convertible",
                            "volkswagen beetle 2018",
                            "volkswagen beetle 1970",
                            "volkswagen beetle wiki",
                            "2018 volkswagen beetle hatchback",
                            "volkswagen beetle 2015",
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                            "3/5 Car and Driver 8.1/10 Kelley Blue Book 3.5/5 Edmunds",
                            "MSRP :  From $20,220",
                            "MPG :  Up to 26 city / 34 highway",
                            "Curb weight :  3,020 to 3,272 lbs",
                            "Horsepower :  174 hp",
                            "Dimensions :  169″ L x 72″ W x 58-59″ H",
                            "Body styles Hatchback From $20,220 Convertible From $25,440",
                            "People also search for View 15+ more View 15+ 2019 MINI Cooper 2018 Volkswagen Golf 2018 Volkswagen Passat 2019 Porsche 911 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan 2019 Ford Mustang"

Picture Thumbnail

The image that appears on the left of some results in SERPs is called a Picture Thumbnail. What it does is allows you to get a peek at the results content.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample
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Response Sample 
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                        "url": "http://dish.allrecipes.com/topping-and-baking-pizza/",
                        "title": "Topping and Baking Pizza By - Allrecipes",
                        "snippet": "Place a pizza stone on a lower oven rack. Preheat the oven between 450 and 500 degrees F (250 to 260 degrees C) -- the stone needs heat up while the oven heats. Large, thick-crusted pizzas might need an oven temperature closer to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) so the crust can cook completely before the toppings burn.",
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                            "How long do you cook a pizza in the oven?",
                            "What temperature do you cook pizza in a conventional oven?",
                            "How long does it take to bake a homemade pizza?",
                            "How long does it take to cook a pizza at 425?"
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                        "title": "How To Make Awesome Pizza at Home | Kitchn",
                        "snippet": "Mar 22, 2018 - Instructions. Heat the oven to 550°F or higher. Arrange a rack in the lower-middle part of the oven (if you have a baking stone, place it on the rack) and heat the oven to 550°F or higher. Divide the dough in half. Roll out the dough. Top the pizza. Bake the pizza. Slice and serve.",
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                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kBPbb4YLrA",
                                "title": "Jamie Oliver shows you how to cook pizza in a wood fired oven",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFuFh5E4eYA",
                                "title": "How to Cook Multiple Pizzas in the Oven : Tips for Making Pizza",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5u4zkfZWLE",
                                "title": "Cooking pizza - gas oven - Tutorial Alfa Pro",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URdDg0xKJlc",
                                "title": "How To Cook Frozen Pizza In Half The Time",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrEmMXSgRmU",
                                "title": "How to Use a Pizza Stone",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acfIBSKtF84",
                                "title": "How to Turn Your Home Oven into a Pizza Oven",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lyj8wH2iTYg",
                                "title": "Homemade Pizza Video Recipe | Start to Finish Pizza Recipe with ...",
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                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_QnI6TKlFM",
                                "title": "How to cook pizza in a wood fired oven",
                                "source": "YouTube"
                                "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZsNFdzb8uk",
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                        "title": "The Right Oven Temperature for Homemade Pizza | Kitchn",
                        "snippet": "Mar 19, 2018 - I recently did an informal poll among my cooking buddies, asking them how hot they heat their ovens when making pizza at home. They blinked ...",
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Video Thumbnail

Just about the same as Image Thumbnails, but features video content.

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                        "snippet": "Place a pizza stone on a lower oven rack. Preheat the oven between 450 and 500 degrees F (250 to 260 degrees C) -- the stone needs heat up while the oven heats. Large, thick-crusted pizzas might need an oven temperature closer to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) so the crust can cook completely before the toppings burn.",
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                            "What temperature do you cook pizza in a conventional oven?",
                            "How long does it take to bake a homemade pizza?",
                            "How long does it take to cook a pizza at 425?"
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                        "snippet": "Mar 19, 2018 - I recently did an informal poll among my cooking buddies, asking them how hot they heat their ovens when making pizza at home. They blinked ...",
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Local Results Features

Local Results Features represent SERP elements that are specific to a particular location. These features appear on results pages if Google determines that the entered query is relevant to a certain location or a local establishment. With DataForSEO SERP Extra API you can get two types of the Local Results Features: the Local Pack and the Maps.

Local Pack

The main aim of the Local Pack is to provide users with the necessary information about local establishments relevant to their queries. This feature appears inside the SERP in the “3-pack” form and can give info about the listed establishment’s name, phone number, address, work hours, rating, and location on the map.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample

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Response Sample 
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Although Local Maps and Maps features are pretty alike, the former serves a specific purpose: it displays the location of the particular place on the map and generates route options between different locations.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample

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Extra SERP Features

Extra SERP features are so far the most effective way of answering users question Google can offer. These features are intended to serve the most accurate information in response to user queries directly in Google SERPs.

Featured Snippet

Featured Snippets are specific results featured by Google on the top of the organic part of SERPs. These extra features are supposed to provide a straight answer to questions of users by displaying a piece of information related to a query.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample

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Response Sample 
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                            "Can I charge VAT while waiting for registration?",
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Answer Box

An Answer Box (sometimes also called a Direct Answer) looks a lot like a Featured Snippet. Both are aimed at answering user questions straight away, and both are typically (but not always) found under the paid results block. At the same time, there’s a notable difference between the two: unlike Featured Snippets, Answer Boxes aren’t based on the content of SERPs results.

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Request Sample

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                            "adjective:  archaic",
                            "very old or old-fashioned. synonyms: obsolete antediluvian old world,  old-fangled ancient old extinct defunct prehistoric literary of yore \"archaic conventions\" More out of date old-fashioned outmoded behind the times,  bygone anachronistic antiquated superannuated antonyms: modern \"prisons are run on archaic methods\" (of a word or a style of language) no longer in everyday use but sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavor. of an early period of art or culture, especially the 7th–6th centuries BC in Greece. \"the archaic temple at Corinth\"",
                            "mid 19th century: from French",
                            ", from Greek",
                            ", from",
                            ", from",
                            "Translate archaic to",
                            "Use over time for: archaic",
                            "Translations, word origin, and more definitions",
                            "Show less",
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Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph feature always appears on the right side of SERPs and displays extra info about the topic of the corresponding query. It can also include numerous pictures, searches, links, etc., that are likely relevant to the user query.

Before imageAfter image
Request Sample

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Response Sample 
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                            "A tortilla chip is a snack food made from corn tortillas, which are cut into wedges and then fried—or baked. Corn tortillas are made of corn, vegetable oil, salt and water.   Wikipedia",
                            "Nutrition Facts Kellogg's BeANatural Original 3-Bean Chips Tortilla chips, baked Tortilla chips, white corn Tortilla chips, white corn, unsalted Tortilla chips, yellow, salted Tortilla chips, baked Amount Per   10 chips (16 g) 1 cup, crushed (63 g) 100 grams 1 cup, crushed (63 g) Calories   293",
                            "% Daily Value * Total Fat   10 g 15% Saturated fat   1.8 g 9% Polyunsaturated fat   3.2 g Monounsaturated fat   4 g Trans fat   Cholesterol   2 mg 0% Sodium   539 mg 22% Potassium   171 mg 4% Total Carbohydrate   46 g 15% Dietary fiber   3.6 g 14% Sugar   0.3 g Protein   5 g 10% Caffeine   Vitamin A 1% Vitamin C 0% Calcium 10% Iron 5% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5% Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 15% * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.",
                            "People also search for View 15+ more View 15+ Tortilla Corn tortilla Nachos Salsa Guacamole Potato chip"

Google Reviews

One of the elements of the Knowledge Graph is the so-called Google Review feature, which contains information about the number of reviews on the topic of the knowledge graph.

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Request Sample

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The carousel feature appears on the top of SERP for queries that relate to movies, tv-series, books, magazines, artists, etc. The new search starts each time a user clicks on the carousel result.

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Request Sample

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People Also Ask

The People Also Ask feature provides information in the form of the expandable boxes with questions related to the user query.

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Request Sample

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                            "How do you enable JavaScript in chrome?",
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The Flights feature essentially represents a sort of Direct Answer that gives information about flights between two destinations for the selected dates.

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Request Sample

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Google For Jobs

The Google For Jobs feature is aimed at helping job seekers and therefore appears for searches related to job opportunities. It’s displayed on the top of organic SERPs and contains a pack of three job listings relevant to the user query.

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Request Sample

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Top Stories

The Top Stories (also referred to as the News Box) feature is triggered by queries that include a news-heavy topic. This feature is usually displayed on the top of SERPs.

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Request Sample

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                                "title": "Follow the nuance: Labour is edging towards ditching Brexit"
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                                "title": "Theresa May thinks her Brexit plan is the only option, but Tory Leavers \nplan to call her bluff"
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                                "title": "It's becoming more and more clear that Brexit is driving EU nationals out \nof the UK"
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                                "title": "GBPUSD Slides on UK Data, Tory Brexiteers Plan Hard Brexit"
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                                "title": "The English Reformation was the first Brexit – we survived our break from \nEurope then, and we'll do so again"
                                "url": "https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1002863/Brexit-news-UK-EU-Ireland-Germany-Italy-Belgium-France-no-deal-latest",
                                "title": "Brussels COUNTS COST of Brexit: Five countries who will be WORST HIT by \nno-deal UK divorce"
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                                "title": "BREXIT SNATCH: Germany plots English-speaking courts to exploit BILLION \npound UK industry"
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                                "title": "Tory Brexiteers set to unveil new Brexit plan next month as they prepare to \nambush Theresa May"
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Apps Box (Mobile)

When executing a query that Google deems as related to a service offered by an app, the App Box is likely to show up. In addition to the name of the app, this feature contains the app’s logo, rating, price, and so on.

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Related Search

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The “Mention” feature appears in SERP for certain (often product-related) keywords and displays information about product reviews on reputable websites.

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Paid Results Features

Powered by Google AdWords’ search network, Paid Results Features can show up either above or below the organic results. To date, there are only two types of paid features: Adwords ads and Google Shopping.

Adwords Ads

An AdWords ad or a block of AdWords ads can show up for any query and are normally displayed above and below the organic part of SERPs. Note that you can extract AdWords Ads features by using both SERP and SERP Extra APIs.

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Google Shopping

Google Shopping is the ads service powered by AdWords and Google Merchant Center. You can read more about it in our recent blog post Merchant API: Getting Big With E-commerce Data. Part 1: Google Shopping API.

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            "result_extra": "shopping,local_pack",
            "result_serp_count": 73700000,
            "result": {
                "left": [
                        "type": "shopping",
                        "position": 1,
                        "title": "See buy strawberry jam",
                        "items": [
                                "title": "Wilkin & Sons Tiptree Strawberry Preserve Mini Jar - 28g (24 Pack)",
                                "url": "https://www.justminiatures.co.uk/wilkin-amp-sons-tiptree-strawberry-preserve-mini-jar-28g-24-pack-p-16347.html?currency=GBP",
                                "price": "£7.49",
                                "source": "Just Miniatures"
                                "title": "St. Dalfour strawberry spread",
                                "url": "https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/st-dalfour-strawberry-spread/004371-1809-1810",
                                "price": "£2.25",
                                "source": "Waitrose"
                                "title": "Walden Farms, Strawberry Fruit Spread, 12 oz (340 g)",
                                "url": "https://uk.iherb.com/pr/Walden-Farms-Strawberry-Fruit-Spread-12-oz-340-g/41662?rcode=mkt1012&pcode=IHERBUK5&ccode=GB&currcode=GBP&langcode=en-US&fld=1",
                                "price": "£4.10",
                                "source": "iHerb"
                                "title": "Bonne Maman strawberry conserve",
                                "url": "https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/bonne-maman-strawberry-conserve/004454-1879-1880",
                                "price": "£2.00",
                                "source": "Waitrose"
                                "title": "Bonne Maman Strawberry Conserve 370g",
                                "url": "https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/shop/gb/groceries/bonne-maman-strawberry-conserve-370g?istCompanyId=1e096408-041f-4238-994e-a7cf46bf9413&istItemId=wxtiarqatw&istBid=t",
                                "price": "£2.50",
                                "source": "Sainsbury's"
                                "title": "Strawberry Jam 227G - White - One Size",
                                "url": "https://www.libertylondon.com/uk/strawberry-jam-227g-R156609006.html?dwvar_000558265_color=99-ASSORTED&referrer=departments",
                                "price": "£5.95",
                                "source": "Liberty London"
                                "title": "Fortnum & Mason Strawberry Preserve, 340g",
                                "url": "https://www.fortnumandmason.com/products/strawberry-preserve-340g",
                                "price": "£4.95",
                                "source": "Fortnum & Mason"
                                "title": "Strawberry Fruit Spread, Organic 284g (Meridian)",
                                "url": "https://www.healthysupplies.co.uk/strawberry-fruit-spread-organic-meridian.html#fo_c=2439&fo_k=c2bdb8d2372a12100c11472a4a52366b&fo_s=gplauk",
                                "price": "£2.79",
                                "source": "Healthy Supplies"
                                "title": "Jam Mini Jars - Strawberry Jam (72 pcs)",
                                "url": "https://www.restaurantsupplystore.co.uk/jam-and-honey-mini-jars-strawberry-jam-72-pcs?source=googlebase",
                                "price": "£27.63",
                                "source": "Restaurant Sup..."

Wrapping it all up

We all know how difficult it is to scrape results pages at scale, and it becomes extremely more difficult with all the extra features Google introduced to search throughout the years. The team of DataForSEO hopes that this short guide along with our SERP Extra API will help you to provide your team and your customers with the most accurate data.

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George Svash

George is the Director of Content Marketing at DataForSEO, an API suite designed to help SEO software companies and agencies gather the SEO data they need for their projects. George is a tech and marketing geek with a deep passion for Big Data and SEO. Having a broad experience in content marketing and a degree in engineering, he is particularly good at explaining complex concepts.

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