Currency Box

Currency Box

If you perform a Google search for “EUR USD” or any other two currencies, chances are Currecy Box will be the first thing you’ll get in the results. Basically, the Currency Box feature provides the latest exchange rates for the requested currencies and displays the conversion trend between them on a line graph.


This SERP feature is based on data from Google Finance, and it tends to show more rounded values than the original source. In DataForSEO SERP API responses, however, you will obtain exact up-to-the-minute numbers of the exchange rates as shown on Google Finance (in value, converted_value) along with the rounded data from search results (in table_content).


Besides that, you will find the data provided for each point on the exchange rate graph as a structured items. Each “graph_element” will be returned with a date and value for that date.


Value and currency to convert | value, currency

currency box converted value

Converted value and currency | converted_value, converted_currency


Date and time | timestamp


Table | table, table_content


Graph items | graph_element, date, value

currency box min
Element in SERP API
	"type": "currency_box",
	"rank_group":  1,
	"rank_absolute": 1,
	"position": "left",
	"xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[7]/div[1]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]",
	"value": 1,
	 "converted_value": 1.0551899999999999,
	"currency": "Euro",
	"converted_currency": "United States Dollar",
	"timestamp": "2022-05-11 11:10:00 +00:00",
	"table": {
		"table_header": null,
		"table_content": [
				"United States Dollar"
	"graph": {
		"items": [
				"type": "graph_element",
				"date": "2022-04-11T23:58:00Z",
	            "value": 1.08776
				"type": "graph_element",
				"date": "2022-04-12T23:58:00Z",
	            "value": 1.08257
				"type": "graph_element",
				"date": "2022-04-13T23:58:00Z",
	            "value": 1.089625
				"type": "graph_element",
				"date": "2022-04-14T23:58:00Z",
	            "value": 1.082065
				"type": "graph_element",
				"date": "2022-04-15T23:58:00Z",
	            "value": 1.08119
		"previous_items": null
	"rectangle": null
Danil Tivikov

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