DataForSEO API Playground: a handy way to test APIs

API Playground is a built-in solution that allows testing DataForSEO APIs without API testing tools (e.g., Postman, Soap UI, Apigee, and so on). It makes actual API calls and provides real JSON data through a graphic user interface.
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API Playground is available within the DataForSEO dashboard. To access it, log in to your account or create one if you haven’t already.

Once signed in, you can make requests to the following APIs:


Note: since the tool makes actual API calls, you will be charged for each request made. The price depends on the used API and the specified parameters. Learn more on our pricing page.

How to use API Playground

1 Log in to DataForSEO Dashboard.

2 Click API Playground and select the API you would like to test.

Screenshot 1

3 Configure your API call by specifying the available parameters.

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4 Click Request.

Screenshot 3

5 Once your request is processed, the response will appear in the code box.

Screenshot 6

6 You can copy the API response by clicking Copy JSON

Screenshot 5

You can also use the tool to learn how to use our APIs. Namely, you can configure your request in API Playground and then receive a code example to make an API request in your programming language. Once you specify the parameters of the request, simply click Code Example and select the preferred programming language from the drop-down list.

Create your account today and receive a free $1 credit for testing our APIs with API Playground!

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