How to estimate the audience size for precise targeting in Bing Ads?

Estimating the audience size and potential reach is essential for starting an effective advertising campaign. Information such as estimated impressions, clicks, and cost per event for specific audience segments can help avoid unnecessary expenses and maximize the ROI of your ads.

With the Bing Ads Audience Estimation endpoint, you can quickly get data on estimated audience size, the potential reach of an ads campaign, and cost per event for an audience segment within a specific location. Additionally, you will get suggested budget and bid values for your ads campaign to make it cost-effective.

How does the Audience Estimation endpoint work?

First, you should specify key details of your advertising campaign and the target audience in the request.

1 Pay special attention to your target location in your campaign. You can use the location_name field to specify a location by its name or use location_code instead. To get a full list of available locations with codes, call the Bing Ads Locations endpoint.


If you want to target a certain location and its surrounding area precisely, you can leverage the location_coordinate field. In the field, write latitude, longitude of the location and area radius in kilometers.

Example: “29.6821525,-82.4098881,100”.

2 Then, specify the details about your target audience. Using age array select age ranges for targeting. The following age ranges are possible: eighteen_to_twenty_four, fifty_to_sixty_four, sixty_five_and_above, thirteen_to_seventeen, thirty_five_to_forty_nine, twenty_five_to_thirty_four, unknown, zero_to_twelve.

You can specify multiple age ranges simultaneously in this field.

3 Use the gender array to specify the gender of the target audience. The possible values are female, male, and unknown.

4 To target an audience within a specific industry, use the industry field. In this field, you can specify one or multiple industry IDs. The industry_id is based on the industry a person indicates in a LinkedIn profile. It means that if people have a LinkedIn profile and work within a specific industry you target, they are more likely to see your ad while browsing the search engine.

Calling the Bing Ads Audience Estimation Industries endpoint will return a complete list of industry IDs with industry names.


Example: industry_id806298835 with industry_name"Computer Software".

Additionally, you can specify the job_function parameter to target users with specific job functions in LinkedIn profiles. Call the Bing Ads Audience Estimation Job Functions endpoint to get a list of available job functions with job function IDs.


Example: job_function_id806300647 and job_function_name"Program and Project Management".

5 Finally, specify your bid and daily budget of you advertising campaign using bid and daily_budget fields respectively. The maximum value you can specify in the bid field is $1000 and in daily_budget field is $10000.

After specifying all fields and receiving the API response, you will get the following data in the result array:

  • est_impressions – object with a monthly estimated impressions range based on the details of your advertising campaign. The high field indicates indicates the upper bound of the range result and the low field indicates the lower bound of the range result.
  • est_audience_size – object representing a monthly estimated reach user count range. The high field indicates the upper bound of the range, and the low field indicates the lower bound.
  • est_clicks – object with a monthly estimated click count range. The high field indicates the upper bound of the estimated clicks, while the low field indicates the lower bound.
  • est_spend – object showing a monthly estimated spending range. The high field indicates the upper estimate for the budget, and the low field indicates the lower estimate.
  • est_cost_per_event – object that specifies the estimated cost per event within a range. The high field indicates the maximum estimated cost, and the low field indicates the minimum estimated cost. These values are represented as floats.
  • est_ctr – object that reflects the estimated click-through rate (CTR) range. The high field represents the maximum estimated CTR, and the low field represents the minimum estimated CTR.
  • suggested_bid – float value representing the suggested bid amount based on the current targeting.
  • suggested_budget – integer value that represents the suggested daily budget under the current targeting and bid strategy.
  • events_lost_to_bid – integer indicating the number of potential events lost due to an insufficient bid input.
  • events_lost_to_budget – integer indicating the number of potential events lost because of an insufficient budget input.
  • est_reach_audience_size – integer showing the estimated size of the audience reached monthly.
  • est_reach_impressions – integer showing the monthly estimated number of impressions.
  • currency – string indicating the currency used in the campaign, for example, "USDollar".

Using this data, you can analyze the potential reach and effectiveness of your possible advertising campaign and make necessary adjustments to the campaign’s budget, bid or revise the types of audience you want to target.

Example request and response

Let’s assume you are planning to run an ads campaign for female project and program managers within computer software industry in the city of Birmingham, UK and its surroundings. The age range you want to target is twenty five to thirty four and your estimated daily budget is $70 with a 2 dollar bid.

Call the Bing Ads Audience Estimation endpoint:


Specify the coordinates of the city of Birmingham and 50 km radius using location_coordinate. Then, using Industries and Job Functions endpoints recevide the IDs of computer software industry and project and program management job function. Finally, specify the gender, age, daily_budget and bid fields with your respective campaign details.

Request Example:

    "location_coordinate": "52.489471,-1.898575,50",
    "age": [
    "bid": 2,
    "daily_budget": 70,
    "gender": [
    "industry": [
    "job_function": [

Response example:

  "version": "0.1.20240801",
  "status_code": 20000,
  "status_message": "Ok.",
  "time": "11.7885 sec.",
  "cost": 0.075,
  "tasks_count": 1,
  "tasks_error": 0,
  "tasks": [
      "id": "10032045-1535-0593-0000-e8802ccdbac0",
      "status_code": 20000,
      "status_message": "Ok.",
      "time": "11.6969 sec.",
      "cost": 0.075,
      "result_count": 1,
      "path": [
      "data": {
        "api": "keywords_data",
        "function": "audience_estimation",
        "se": "bing",
        "location_coordinate": "52.489471,-1.898575,50",
        "age": [
        "bid": 2,
        "daily_budget": 70,
        "gender": [
        "industry": [
        "job_function": [
      "result": [
          "est_impressions": {
            "high": 57300,
            "low": 14300
          "est_audience_size": {
            "high": 700,
            "low": 170
          "est_clicks": {
            "high": 110,
            "low": 30
          "est_spend": {
            "high": 51,
            "low": 14
          "est_cost_per_event": {
            "high": 1.39,
            "low": 0.46
          "est_ctr": {
            "high": 0.29,
            "low": 0.12
          "suggested_bid": 3.48,
          "suggested_budget": 100,
          "events_lost_to_bid": 1,
          "events_lost_to_budget": 0,
          "est_reach_audience_size": 2100,
          "est_reach_impressions": 302300,
          "currency": "USDollar"

In the result array you can find all information about the estimated audience size, estimated impressions, cost of an event and so on. Besides, the suggested_bid is $3.48 and suggested_budget is $100 meaning that to make your campaign more effective you should increase spending.

As you can see, using Audience Estimation endpoint to get the essential data for making ads campaign adjustments is very easy.

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