How to get the HTML of a page?

HTML data can help you build advanced website audit solutions.

To receive the raw HTML code of a page with DataForSEO OnPage API, add the store_raw_html field to the On-Page API Task POST body and set it to true.


    "target": "",
    "max_crawl_pages": 10,
    "store_raw_html": "true"


Once the task is created, copy its ID and call the Raw HTML endpoint.

Here, you should specify the ID of your task and the url of a page you want to receive HTML data for.


    "id": "09161530-2692-0216-0000-e429a13680de",
    "url": ""


Once the crawl is finished, the Raw HTML endpoint will provide you with HTML data of the page you specified in the url field.

    "version": "0.1.20210917",
    "status_code": 20000,
    "status_message": "Ok.",
    "time": "0.1204 sec.",
    "cost": 0,
    "tasks_count": 1,
    "tasks_error": 0,
    "tasks": [
            "id": "10051429-2806-0216-0000-74f7a98536e8",
            "status_code": 20000,
            "status_message": "Ok.",
            "time": "0.0581 sec.",
            "cost": 0,
            "result_count": 1,
            "path": [
            "data": {
                "api": "on_page",
                "function": "raw_html",
                "url": "",
                "target": "",
                "max_crawl_pages": 10,
                "store_raw_html": "true"
            "result": [
                    "crawl_progress": "finished",
                    "crawl_status": {
                        "max_crawl_pages": 10,
                        "pages_in_queue": 0,
                        "pages_crawled": 10
                    "items_count": 1,
                    "items": {
                        "html": "<!DOCTYPE html></html>" }


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