We are excited to unveil new features added that have been added to the responses of Google Maps SERP API and Google My Business Info endpoint of Business Data API.
1 Google Maps SERP API now includes data from the Directory tab which lists various stores and amenities within large buildings.
The Directory feature helps Google Maps users with navigating through large buildings, malls, and complex transit stations to find airport lounges, car rentals, specific shops, and more. Here’s what it looks like.
With the latest update, the Google Maps SERP API responses will provide you with data on the main place and return each business from the place’s Directory tab as a separate maps_search
item with "is_directory_item": true
If there is no Directory feature for the parameters you set, we will return data on the discovered Maps Search results with "is_directory_item": false
for each result.
Note that to receive data on businesses from the Directory tab of a certain place, you should indicate the name of the main place using the keyword
field and set "search_this_area"
to false
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2 In addition to the Google Maps SERP API, the Google My Business Info endpoint will also provide you with complete and detailed information from a business profile that contains a Directory feature and an overview of each business listed in it.
You can obtain information from the Directory tab when indicating a name of a relevant place that can contain a number of businesses within itself, such as Westfield Les 4 Temps (the largest mall in Europe).
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We encourage you to explore the updated structure of the Google Maps SERP API and Google My Business Info endpoint responses.
We also hope these latest enhancements provide you with more valuable data for your tools and projects.