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Daily expenses limits for APIs

July,9 2021 17:17:56


We are glad to introduce a new feature that allows controlling daily expenses for different APIs.

From now on, you are able to limit your daily expenses for different APIs and endpoints.

In your dashboard, you can set a daily budget allocated to a certain API or endpoint:

users%2FO5XQuEFAaxNXuvYKaLMkqRtAZ503%2Fprojects%2Fj2ePXMYTRr8SB2sX38on%2Fposts%2FN2QLQ2kFn3ZCxPNoe9xd%2FDkRaa3El94eiUfxs9YNJ?alt=media&token=75d397ac 4182 47a8 aef4 8381e95be039

After you set a specific budget, we automatically check how much funds you’ve already spent for this API or endpoint. If your spending is about to exceed this limit, we will return the following error:

  "code": 40203,
  "message": "The cost limit has been exceeded. You can modify your cost limit in the user panel https://app.dataforseo.com/api-dashboard ."

Given that you can set custom limits for every API endpoint, your usage is always under control, and you will never unexpectedly run out of budget.


Check out the new feature in the dashboard!

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