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Filters & Sorting in Tripadvisor Reviews API

November,27 2023 18:45:42

Business Data API
Filters & Sorting in Tripadvisor Reviews API

We’re thrilled to introduce a set of powerful parameters to supercharge your extraction of Tripadvisor Reviews with Business Data API! These additions to POST parameters are designed to enhance your flexibility and precision in fetching the necessary data.

Here’s what’s new:

🌟 ratings – filter by Tripadvisor traveler rating for a place of interest.
Options: excellent, very_good, average, poor, terrible.
You can specify multiple options.

🌟 visit_type – filter by type of travelers who left a review.
Options: families, couples, solo, business, friends.
You can specify multiple options.

🌟 months – filter by time of year when a traveler made a visit.
Options: january, february, march, april, may, april, june, july, august, september, october, november, december.
You can specify multiple options.

🌟 search_reviews_keyword – filter by reviews containing the specified keyword.

🌟 sort_by – set up sorting. Choose between most_recent and detailed_reviews.

These parameters correspond to filtering options available on Tripadvisor. To filter by language, use an existing language_code or language_name field.
tripadvisor ui filters
When setting tasks to the Tripadvisor Reviews API, include these parameters to customize your data retrieval.

Here’s an example API request:

        "url_path": "Hotel_Review-g60763-d23462501-Reviews-Margaritaville_Times_Square-New_York_City_New_York.html",
        "location_code": 1003854,
        "language_code": "en",
        "ratings": [
        "visit_type": [
        "months": [
        "search_reviews_keyword": "room",
        "sort_by": "most_recent"

Ready to explore the new features? Dive into our docs and start refining your tasks today!

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