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Paid Element in YouTube SERP API!

January,10 2023 17:03:55

Paid Element in YouTube SERP API!

In addition to standard youtube_channel and youtube_video results, DataForSEO now supports youtube_video_paid elements in YouTube SERP API.

This means that in case the YouTube SERP features a sponsored video for your keyword, you’ll obtain this data in the responses of YouTube Organic Live and Task GET endpoints.

Paid video results on YouTube Search usually appear first above organic video results.

youtube serp paid

Visually, they are almost identical to the standard video results, except for the little black “Ad” mark.

In DataForSEO YouTube SERP API responses, youtube_video_paid elements also have an identical structure to youtube_video results.

If you’d like to learn more about using YouTube SERP API for YouTube Search rank tracking, check out our new blog post.

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