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Product Purchase Data in Amazon API!

September,14 2023 16:46:04

Merchant API
Product Purchase Data in Amazon API!

Meet product purchase data for more e-commerce insights in the responses of our Amazon Products API!

Now, when you make a call to the Amazon Products API from the DataForSEO Merchant API suite, you’ll not only receive comprehensive product listing data in the response but will also access information about how many times a product was purchased in the past month.

This valuable statistic will be returned in a new field: bought_past_month.

Here’s an example screenshot showing how this data appears on the Amazon SERPs.
amazon bought past month

Whether you are optimizing your product listings, tracking market trends, or researching your competition, the ability to access purchase data empowers you with deeper insights to make data-driven decisions.

To review the updated structure of response items with the new bought_past_month field, refer to the DataForSEO Amazon Products API documentation.

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