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See Render-Blocking Resources in Waterfall!

February,27 2023 17:41:08

On-Page API
See Render-Blocking Resources in Waterfall!

We are excited to announce another update in On-Page API!

The Waterfall endpoint will now show you if a certain resource blocks page rendering. In this case, the new is_render_blocking field will be true.

Render-blocking resources are files such as CSS, JavaScript, and fonts that prevent a page from rendering until they are loaded. These resources can have a high impact on page loading time and user experience, so it’s essential to identify and optimize them.

To start using the new Waterfall’s response field, don’t forget to set load_resources to true when making a POST request to On-Page API.

Updated structure of the objects you get in the resources array of the Waterfall’s response :

  "url": "https://dataforseo.com/wp-content/plugins/dataforseo-kb/assets/css/grid.min.css?ver=5.8.6",
  "initiator": "(index)",
  "duration_time": 27,
  "fetch_start": 36,
  "fetch_end": 63,
  "location": {
    "line": 50,
    "offset_left": 1,
    "offset_top": 6487
  "is_render_blocking": false

See also “How to check SEO site speed with On-Page API?”

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