Over 750 businesses rely on DataForSEO to get quality data, efficient communication around incidents, and quick fixes to any issues that inevitably arise.
We understand your frustration when something is not working as expected, and we’re always striving to keep you fully informed and provide an appropriate solution as fast as possible.
To make it easier for you to stay up-to-date with the state of our system and API operation, we’re introducing a dedicated DataForSEO Status Page. It is designed to provide relevant and timely information about unexpected service interruptions.
As shown on the screenshot, Status Page allows you to:
- Review uptime for all our APIs, DataForSEO Dashboard, and website
- Explore a 60-day timeline of our past system statuses
- Monitor when an incident gets resolved
- Get detailed information about current system status, past and pending incidents, associated endpoints, incident gravity, and time to resolution
DataForSEO team hopes the Status Page will help us deliver a better experience to you.