What are clickstream-based metrics and how do we calculate them?
You might have encountered the clickstream_etv
, clickstream_gender_distribution
, clickstream_age_distribution
, and clickstream_keyword_info
fields in DataForSEO Labs API endpoints. They can be found in the following endpoints:
- Categories For Domain
- Domain Intersection
- Keyword Ideas
- Keywords For Site
- Keywords For Categories
- Keyword Suggestions
- Related Keywords
- Historical Search Volume
- Top Searches
- Ranked Keywords
- Page Intersection
- Subdomains
- Relevant Pages
- Competitors Domain
- Historical Rank Overview
These metrics are based on clickstream data and provide additional information on search volume, and estimated traffic volume of keywords.
What is clickstream data?
Clickstream data is information collected while a user navigates the Internet. It captures terms that users enter in the search bar, the sequence of pages visited, the duration spent on each page, and interactions such as clicks and searches. This data is collected and aggregated via various plugins, extensions, and other applications. After collection, clickstream data is refined and combined with metrics like click-through rate, impressions, and anonymized information on user gender and age to calculate clickstream-based metrics.
In particular, clickstream data is useful for distilling search volume in combination with data from other sources, like Google Keyword Planner. Moreover, you can include clickstream-based metrics in your keyword research app to provide users with more detailed keyword data.
Clickstream data is also beneficial for data-driven keyword research. It allows you to refine keyword lists more effectively and compare this data with other keyword information.
Clickstream-based metrics in DataForSEO Labs endpoints
Let’s explore in more detail each clickstream-based metric we introduced in DataForSEO Labs endpoints:
1 clickstream_keyword_info
object contains clickstream data on a certain returned keyword. It includes the following fields:
– monthly average clickstream search volume rate;last_updated_time
– date and time when the clickstream dataset was updated;gender_distribution
– contain clickstream data distributed by gender and age, respectively;montly_searches
– an array of objects with clickstream search volume rates in a particular month of a year. It has a separatesearch_volume
field, which contains a clickstream-based search volume rate in a certain month of the year.
We calculate the clickstream search_volume
in the following way: First, we interpret and refine the collected clickstream data to form a clickstream dataset. To get the monthly clickstream search volume rate, we multiply clickstream data related to a certain month of a year by a special coefficient, which itself is derived from various factors like the correlation between the number of devices and users. To get the monthly average clickstream search volume rate, we add each month’s clickstream search volume rate and divide it by 12.
To estimate the gender_distribution
and age_distribution
, we take the total search volume as 100 percent and then proportionally distribute the percentage among the estimated number of male and female users, as well as age categories. The distribution is based on the anonymized user behavior data from the search engine.
2 clickstream_etv
is the estimated traffic volume to a domain, subdomain, or page based on clickstream data of certain keywords. The metric displays the approximate monthly visits keywords can bring to a website or page. It is calculated as the product of click-through-rate and clickstream search volume values of all keywords the domain ranks for. You can learn more about this metric in a dedicated Help Center article.
3 clickstream_age_distribution
and clickstream_gender_distribution
metrics are calculated in the same way as similar metrics in the clickstream_keyword_info object. However, they represent the distribution of overall clickstream estimated traffic volume to a website or page.
Filtering out results based on clickstream data
While using DataForSEO Labs, you can use filters to filter out results based on clickstream metrics easily. Endpoints that contain clickstream-based metrics also support filters available in DataForSEO Labs. You can learn more about how to use filters in DataForSEO Labs in this article.
Let’s assume you want to get a list of keywords with a clickstream search volume above 2000, such that two specific domains rank within the same SERP for those keywords. To do that, you should call the Domain Intersection endpoint.
POST: https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/dataforseo_labs/google/domain_intersection/live
Please note that to retrieve results for clickstream-based metrics, the parameter include_clickstream_data
must be set to true. With this parameter enabled, you will be charged double the price for the request.
Specify target domains, language and location in the request field. After that, in the filters array, apply ["keyword_data.clickstream_keyword_info.search_volume",">", 2000]
to filter out keywords with search volume above 2000. Then, in the order_by
array, write ["keyword_data.clickstream_keyword_info.search_volume,desc"
to retrieve results starting from the biggest clickstream search volume value.
The request should be structured like this:
"target1": "dataforseo.com",
"target2": "ahrefs.com",
"language_code": "en",
"location_code": 2840,
"include_clickstream_data": true,
"include_serp_info": true,
"filters": [
"order_by": [
"limit": 10
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POST: https://api.dataforseo.com/v3/dataforseo_labs/google/keyword_suggestions/live
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As you can see, getting clickstream-based metrics is easy with DataForSEO Labs filters. To get the list of all available filters, call the endpoint below:
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