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New in DataForSEO Labs Endpoints

DataForSEO Labs API

Meet a new enhancement to the DataForSEO Labs API, specifically in the Ranked Keywords and Page Intersection endpoints for Google and Bing. Previously, to obtain the Keyword Difficulty metric in the Ranked Keywords and Page Intersection enpoints of DataForSEO Labs API for Google and Bing,…

New in DataForSEO Labs Endpoints

Title and Images for Popular Products in SERP


Another upgrade to the Popular Products feature in our Google SERP API responses! Now, along with valuable information on product sellers, you can access the title of the Popular Products element and image URLs for each featured product. Even though there may not always be…

Title and Images for Popular Products in SERP

Seller Info in Popular Products SERP Feature


Discover information about the sellers appearing in the Popular Products SERP feature! We’ve updated the structure of the “popular_products” element in our SERP API responses to furnish you with this essential data. Now you can incorporate seller information into your SEO applications, providing valuable insights…

Seller Info in Popular Products SERP Feature

New in Backlinks API: Referring Pages Nofollow

Backlinks API

Ever felt like you were missing an important puzzle piece when analyzing backlink profiles? With our latest update in Backlinks API, this will no longer be the case. We’ve added a new metric to help you pinpoint the presence of nofollow attributes across referring pages….

New in Backlinks API: Referring Pages Nofollow

Meet New DataForSEO Trends APIs & Tool!

Keyword Data API

We have some exciting news to share! DataForSEO Trends API has been enriched with three powerful endpoints! Moreover, you can now explore our data with a user-friendly DataForSEO Trends Tool! Here’s a closer look at what’s new. ➤ DataForSEO Trends API is a versatile solution…

Meet New DataForSEO Trends APIs & Tool!

Live endpoint in Google My Business Info API

Business Data API

We’re thrilled to announce the addition of the Live endpoint to our Google My Business Info API! With this update, you can now obtain real-time data from the business entity’s Google Business Profile (previously, GMB profile) faster and more efficiently. The Live method of data…

Live endpoint in Google My Business Info API

Photos and Review IDs in Google Reviews API

Business Data API

We’re thrilled to announce two powerful additions in our Google Reviews API: review_id and images submitted by the reviewer. Now, each review you fetched through our API will include a unique review_id. Plus, the results will include an images array with photos added by reviewers,…

Photos and Review IDs in Google Reviews API

Google Shopping Reviews in Merchant API

Merchant API

We’re excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Merchant API: the addition of Google Shopping Reviews! Google Shopping, a highly popular service by Google, allows users to discover and compare product offers and seamlessly make purchases. With this update, you can easily access reviews…

Google Shopping Reviews in Merchant API

Discussions & Forums Google SERP Feature


We’re glad to inform you that a new Google SERP Feature, Discussions and Forums, is now supported in the Google SERP API results! As described in Google’s announcement, the Discussions and Forums feature enriches search results with advice, experiences, and discussions from various forums across…

Discussions & Forums Google SERP Feature

Indirect Links Supported in Backlinks API

Backlinks API

We’re thrilled to introduce a powerful enhancement to our Backlinks API – it now supports indirect links! Now, you can obtain data on indirect links that refer to the destination page either through redirection or by pointing to a canonical page. We’ve added a new…

Indirect Links Supported in Backlinks API

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