Impressions from Google Ads Performance Forecasts is a metric that allows estimating potential ad views for a keyword. Basically, an impression is one view of an ad targeted for the...
In the DataForSEO API, you can get the list of sellers along with related prices of a specific product on Amazon using the Amazon Sellers endpoint. It will also supply...
There are two factors that make up the cost of using DataForSEO On-Page API: the number of crawled pages and additional parameters enabled for the crawl. Importantly, you are in...
Google has several identifiers that appear in the form of numbers or codes. In Business Data API, you can see the following Google identifiers:
Place ID
Feature ID (FID)
DataForSEO Labs API is based on our in-house Keyword Database of over 3.5 billion keywords and our SERPs Database with over 660 million results pages from Google. We are constantly...
In DataForSEO Google Shopping API, you can find a Sellers Ad URL endpoint. It is designed to supply you with the final URL of the product listed on Google Shopping....
DataForSEO has a growing database of Whois records and search visibility data for over 128 million domains. Below you can review the number of domains in our database for each...
DataForSEO Google Keyword Data API provides results based on Google Ads API. Unfortunately, Google’s API does not provide any filtering options. For the sake of keeping the original data integrity,...
If you’ve been using Google Keyword Planner (GKP) or DataForSEO Google Keyword Data API, you could have noticed that, in some cases, there is no data for the search term...
Unfortunately, Google Ads API in DataForSEO does not supply daily or hourly search volume data. The data source for this API is Google Ads, and Google provides search volume data...