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Introducing Historical Bulk Traffic Estimation!

DataForSEO Labs API

We are excited to announce a robust new endpoint available in the DataForSEO Labs API – Historical Bulk Traffic Estimation! It will allow you to analyze historical traffic data for your domains or your competitors in bulk and gain valuable insights into past performance and…

Introducing Historical Bulk Traffic Estimation!

Meet DataForSEO API Wrapper for LangChain!


Today, we’re excited to announce a groundbreaking integration of our SERP API with LangChain! Using the DataForSEO API Wrapper, you can leverage two cutting-edge technologies working in harmony. ➜ LangChain is an open-source framework designed to harness the power of large language models (LLMs) in…

Meet DataForSEO API Wrapper for LangChain!

Launching AI Summary in SERP API!


We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new exciting feature in our SERP API: the AI Summary endpoint! This solution will help you gather insights from search engine results by providing a comprehensive summary of the SERP and content in ranked website pages,…

Launching AI Summary in SERP API!

Introducing App Listings Databases and APIs!

App Data API

Introducing DataForSEO’s latest offerings: App Listings Databases for App Store and Google Play Store, and App Listing endpoints within the App Data API suite! These cutting-edge data solutions are designed to empower developers, marketers, and businesses with unparalleled insights into the world of mobile applications….

Introducing App Listings Databases and APIs!

Open Guide to Building a Rank Tracker!


DataForSEO is thrilled to announce the release of a new open guide to building Rank Tracking solutions! It is designed to assist developers and SEO professionals in seamlessly integrating our data to create a comprehensive Rank Tracking dashboard, the cornerstone of effective search engine optimization….

Open Guide to Building a Rank Tracker!

Get Historical Technology Stats!

Domain Analytics API

We are excited to announce the release of a new Domain Analytics API endpoint – Technology Stats! It is a great instrument for those who want to track the usage of a specific technology across the web over time. With our new Technology Stats endpoint,…

Get Historical Technology Stats!

Business Data from the Directory Tab!

Business Data API

We are excited to unveil new features added that have been added to the responses of Google Maps SERP API and Google My Business Info endpoint of Business Data API. 1 Google Maps SERP API now includes data from the Directory tab which lists various…

Business Data from the Directory Tab!

Tags and Genres in Google Play Store API!

App Data API

Meet new features in App Data API for Google Play Store! We’ve recently added tags and genres (categories) to the response of the Google Play App Info endpoint to provide you with more useful and accurate data. These new features will surface all relevant app…

Tags and Genres in Google Play Store API!

Changes in Google Ad Traffic by Keywords

Keyword Data API

We would like to inform you about the recent update in the Ad Traffic By Keywords endpoint of Google Keyword Data API. Unfortunately, Google announced that starting from June 1, Google Ads API no longer supports keyword forecasts, which we used to generate metrics such…

Changes in Google Ad Traffic by Keywords

Similar Apps and More Apps by Developer

App Data API

We’re excited to announce the release of new features in our App Data API! You can now obtain similar_apps and more_apps_by_developer in the responses of App Info endpoints in both Google Play and App Store APIs. These new features will provide you with app IDs….

Similar Apps and More Apps by Developer

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