Google Reviews API Pricing

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The Google Reviews endpoint of Business Data API gives an opportunity to collect reviews that appear in the “Reviews” feature of Google SERP.

By using the Google Reviews endpoint you can obtain all reviews for a business entity in a single request. Your account will be billed for every ten or twenty reviews returned in the results, depending on the endpoint.

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Google Reviews API
Standard Queue
Standard queue with POST and GET requests
Turnaround time
up to 45 minutes
Price per 10 reviews
Price per 1M reviews
Priority Queue
Priority queue with POST and GET requests
Turnaround time
up to 1 minute
Price per 10 reviews
Price per 1M reviews
Extended Google Reviews API
Standard Queue
Standard queue with POST and GET requests
Turnaround time
up to 45 minutes
Price per 20 reviews
$0.00075 for setting a task + 0.0015 if you specify a keyword*
Price per 1M reviews
Priority Queue
Priority queue with POST and GET requests
Turnaround time
up to 1 minute
Price per 20 reviews
$0.0015 for setting a task + 0.003 if you specify a keyword*
Price per 1M reviews

*in the Google Extended Reviews endpoint, you can use several parameters to specify a business establishment, which impact the cost of review data:
keyword – add $0.0015 to the cost for every 20 reviews;
place_id – add $0.00075 to the cost for every 20 reviews;
cid – add $0.00075 to the cost for every 20 reviews.

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