Backlinks API Pricing

Backlinks API is the ultimate solution for obtaining accurate and up-to-date link data on any domain or webpage. All endpoints of Backlinks API support the Live mode of data processing, meaning you will get data immediately after sending a request.

Your account will be billed for setting a task and retrieving its results, where one row is the object containing data on a single backlink, referring domain, page, etc.

Note that Backlinks API has a $100 minimal monthly commitment, which can be used on any DataForSEO API.

Learn more See Docs
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Price per request
Price per row
Price per 1,000 rows
You can get up to 1,000 rows with each request.
Given that the price for setting a task is $0.02 and the price per each row is $0.00003, the price of one task with 1,000 rows is calculated as follows:
$100 / a month

the amount is redeemed to your account balance

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