Domain Technologies API

Domain Technologies API is designed to identify technologies used on a website. In addition to that, you will also be able to You can review stats by domain, or by technology name, category, or group. This API includes endpoints that return technology information on a domain, a list of domains that use a certain technology, or a list of technology items.

DataForSEO Technology API makes use of our own proprietary database and thus supports the Live mode of data processing. Using this API, your account will be billed for setting a task, and then for each item of data provided in the response. Below you will find pricing details and an example of how this pricing model works.

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Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per task
Price per result
$10 for 1K domains*
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per task
Price per domain
$1.1 for 1K domains**
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per task
Price per technology item
$1.1 for 1K technology items***
Live mode
Real-time results with a single POST request
Turnaround time
up to 2 seconds on average
Price per task
Price per result
$10 for 1K tasks****

*Domain Technologies

The Domain Technologies endpoint returns one technology item per task. With this endpoint, your account will be billed $o.01 for each task, with no additional cost for retrieving results.

Given that the price for setting a task is $0.01, technology data for 1,000 domains is calculated as follows:

1,000*0.01 = $10

**Domains by Technology and Domains by HTML Terms

Each response contains a list of domains with technology info and meta data. The price for the result depends on the number of domains requested in the response.

Given that the price for setting a task is 0.01 and the price for each domain in the response is 0.001, the cost of data for 1,000 domains is calculated as follows:

0.01+1,000*0.001 = $1.01

***Aggregation Technologies and Technology Stats

These endpoints provide statistical data on the usage of a particular technology. Each response contains a list of aggregation technology items or technology stats items accordingly that are relevant to the parameters specified in the request.

Given that the price for setting a task is $0.01 and the price per each technology item is $0.001, the cost of obtaining 1K technology items is calculated as follows:

0.01 + 1,000*0.001 = $1.01

****Technologies Summary

This endpoint provides a statistical summary of the technology usage across the web.  Using this endpoint, your account will only be billed for setting a task.

Given that the price for setting a task is $0.01, the price for 1K tasks is calculated as follows:

1,000*0.01 = $10

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