DataForSEO offers a proprietary system of reliable proxy polls and scalable server infrastructure, making it very straightforward to integrate Google Finance API into your workflow and ensuring you get results when you need them.

DataForSEO Google Finance SERP API provides you with a seamless access to stock prices, market quotes, currency exchange rates and more – all with unparalleled reliability and accuracy of data.
Get a free account to test DataForSEO APIs you’re interested in with a real-time playground.
In this article, we’ll explore these and more factors to give you a broader perspective on the reliability of SEO APIs. We’ll also explain how we’re keeping DataForSEO APIs steadfast.
Have questions about SERP API? Visit our Help Center to get answers.
Discover a variety of downloadable white papers that will help you deepen your knowledge about building SEO tools.
Easily integrate DataForSEO APIs into your favourite tools without writing a single line of code. With a collection of ready-made connectors and modules you can access high-quality SEO data effortlessly, saving your time and resources.
DataForSEO offers a detailed documentation for every parameter, field and function you can come across while using our APIs and databases.
Every DataForSEO user has access to a comprehensive graphic user interface (GUI) and can monitor and control every aspect of data usage.
Our support team is available 24/7 to ensure you get the required assistance and all your requests are addressed promptly and proficiently.