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Content Parsing in On-Page API!

On-Page API

Our On-Page API today welcomes a new powerful endpoint – Content Parsing. Using this new feature, you can enhance your content analysis capabilities. The Content Parsing endpoint allows parsing the content on any page you specify. In the results, you will get structured content of…

Content Parsing in On-Page API!

OnPage API: Page Screenshot

On-Page API

We are happy to introduce the new Page Screenshot endpoint of On-Page API! Using this endpoint, you can capture a full high-quality screenshot of any webpage. In this way, you can review the target page as the DataForSEO crawler, and Googlebot see it. For more…

OnPage API: Page Screenshot

Keyword Density within OnPage API

On-Page API

When it comes to on-page performance, every element significantly impacts the overall SEO score. The same thing goes for webpages overwhelmed with keywords. Too many keywords won’t help you rank better in search results. Here is an example: Therefore we’ve implemented new features in OnPage…

Keyword Density within OnPage API

Crawl the list of URLs with OnPage API

On-Page API

Our team is glad to announce a new feature in On-Page API! We’ve added the field that allows you to scan up to 20 specific URLs of a single website. The specified URLs will be crawled prior to other webpages of a given domain. Thus,…

Crawl the list of URLs with OnPage API

Meet Lighthouse API at DataForSEO

On-Page API

We are happy to announce the Lighthouse API at DataForSEO – a solution based on Google’s open-source tool for running audits on the quality of web pages and web apps.

Meet Lighthouse API at DataForSEO

Core Web Vitals in DataForSEO API

On-Page API

Google is gradually rolling out its page experience update. Within the frame of this update, the search engine giant combines new Core Web Vitals metrics with Google’s existing signals to assess the quality of UX a page provides. At DataForSEO, we always keep on track with SEO…

Core Web Vitals in DataForSEO API

Introducing OnPage SEO score

On-Page API

We are glad to introduce a handy feature in the OnPage API – SEO score. This score shows how your website is optimized on a 100-point scale. We use major website health benchmarks and checkups when calculating this score. Each parameter has its own weight…

Introducing OnPage SEO score

New On-Page API checkups at DataforSEO

On-Page API

Understanding the importance of on-page SEO, we have released a few handy features that joined dozens of checkups we already provide in the On-Page API. First of all, we added some important features in the Pages, Pages by Resource, Duplicate Tags, and Duplicate Content endpoints: resource_errorsand social_media_tags. resource_errors – indicates the…

New On-Page API checkups at DataforSEO

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